Example sentences of "[verb] [art] first phase of " in BNC.

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1 More importantly , however , the remains overlay burnt material , while the make-up levels on Site 2 contained Antonine pottery , thus demonstrating that the building(s) were part of an overall design reshaping the town centre , which might also have included the first phase of the defences .
2 MIDLAND AIR MUSEUM chose no less an occasion than the SBAC Display at Farnborough to launch the first phase of their aerospace education initiative .
3 The plan which the Governors had in mind — which was carried out with great success — was to demolish this house , build the first phase of the new Junior School where the house had stood , and finally to demolish the then Junior School and replace it with the second phase .
4 Women believed the first phase of feminism was all that was necessary , but it was n't .
5 DEVELOPERS are planning to clone an historic Liverpool terrace which has just undergone the first phase of a multi-million pound facelift .
6 Most parents can identify the first phase of interaction with their child , that is they can see what the child is doing that is irritating and they see how they react , but rarely do they then follow through the interaction to see what happens at the end .
7 The topping out ceremony by Mr Hutchinson , community affairs manager of BAT Industries , celebrated the first phase of expansion plans which include altering the dining hall and providing more room for science and technology .
8 Among the Triangle Project 's guests was Lady Sainsbury , who had opened the first phase of Triangle — the day care centre for the elderly — Mr. Portman , representing the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers , who had donated £32,000 in the project through the Robert Geffery Trust and Alton Town Mayor , Mrs. Jacqueling Martin .
9 Er , we 've been working in Harlow for a couple of years now and as you may know , we as Paul said , finished the first phase of Three Hills which is the Ayletts Field scheme which provided sixty six properties for a low cost home ownership and two special needs properties and we 'll also be starting in the next couple of months er , on providing low cost home ownership in Church Langley erm it 's funded by yo , yourselves .
10 The council 's next meeting , on Monday , is the last before work on installing the first phase of the new lighting in Upper Street is due to start .
11 Daily newspapers are now becoming popular , providing the first phase of what will later become known as the mass media .
12 The ending of the deadlock means Rechar money will almost immediately be put to use to finance the first phase of a £158m 10-year action plan drawn up by the East Durham Task Force .
13 If grey was the colour that characterized the first phase of my time at Harwich , blue characterizes this next phase .
14 Yorick had discarded the strong rhythms , the simple melodies and the accessible lyrics which characterized the first phase of his career .
15 ‘ We were at Desnogorsk to start the first phase of an 18-month partnership programme between the Smolensk station and ourselves under the TACIS 92 programme ’ , said Arthur .
16 When Colin Mortlock and myself initiated the first phase of exploration on these cliffs in the 60s , we negotiated an access agreement with the commandant of the Castlemartin camp .
17 Having once gained access to the group or institution being studied , the researcher enters the first phase of the research proper .
18 In collaboration with the other UK Research Councils and with international bodies and the European Community , the Economic and Social Research Council is undertaking the first phase of its Global Environmental Change Initiative .
19 The gliadin challenge described here represented the first phase of the diagnostic gluten challenge adopted by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition ( ESPGAN ) .
20 Two months ago the Musée des Beaux-Arts inaugurated the first phase of its renovation scheme with the opening of thirty-one new rooms devoted to painting and works of art of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries .
21 Supported by an opinion poll revealing extensive support among voters for extra resources for education , union leaders said the first phase of a prolonged press advertising campaign , launched in national newspapers today , would cost £500,000 .
22 Vulcanian eruptions sometimes form the first phases of a longer eruption , when the volcano is ‘ clearing its throat ’ for the real business , and as such , there may be no new magmatic material involved , and all the material that is showered up as ash to form the ‘ cauliflower cloud ’ may be merely old , cold , solid lava which was previously blocking up the throat ; if this is the case , the eruptions are sometimes called ultra-vulcanian .
23 Gold EIA went ahead to commission the Centre for Environmental Management and Planning at the University of Aberdeen to undertake the first phase of the EIA , its scoping .
24 This project continues a first phase of research funded by the Office of the Data Protection Registrar , the Office of Telecommunications and the Department of Law in the University of Sheffield to investigate current law and practice in a number of European member states and in the United States with the aim of contributing to current policy debates and examining the handling of the issues of privacy and new technology by different legal and administrative cultures .
25 By 1909 then , Picasso and Braque had initiated the first phase of Cubism ; the art which both painters were producing was the result of a new freedom which arose from their having discarded all scientific systems and theories .
26 The birth of Jesus thus came to be regarded as dividing time into two parts , because it ended the first phase of the divine purpose and initiated the second .
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