Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] together with [art] " in BNC.

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1 And that all if you put this together with the documents that we know , it suggests that there was a twelfth century church here which was demolished and then rebuilt in the fifteenth century .
2 His crowning achievement was the ‘ big amalgamation ’ of 1925 which brought DCL together with the three largest blending houses , John Walker & Sons , James Buchanan & Co. , and John Dewar & Sons .
3 Or we can put this together with the American bid , and we 'll produce them in in the States , or whatever , whatever the outcome is , I would have
4 With HERMS it is possible to transport this together with the graphical data describing a part , so that it is all available to the designer from a common source .
5 Yet , if we take this together with the fact that many other forms characteristic of modern English spread in these centuries from the East Midlands and the North , we can advance the hypothesis that this change was in progress in the East Midlands around 1300 , and look for further evidence to support or refute this .
6 Cut the risen surfaces off the small cakes and sandwich these together with the marmalade to form the head .
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