Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] response to " in BNC.

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1 One theme which has occurred throughout this book , is that law and order , and indeed Conservative criminology , has developed in response to social anxieties felt by ‘ respectable ’ elements of British society about a Britain which has difficulties in coming to terms with its position in a changing world .
2 The concern of these groups has grown in response to a perceived widening of the gap between cherished moral values and actual day-to-day behaviour .
3 Aberbach , Putnam and Rockman ( 1981 ) use survey data and case study reports to demonstrate the relative influence of politicians and bureaucrats and the emergence of an increasing overlapping of roles as state authority has expanded in response to the political demands of newly mobilized groups .
4 The second model is the consumerist approach which Beresford claims has emerged in response to the expansion of commercial provision .
5 They particularly liked the way it was designed to rotate in response to different wind directions .
6 Just as greater speed in the pursued has developed in relation to increased speed in the pursuer ; or defensive armour in relation to aggressive weapons ; so the perfection of concealing devices has evolved in response to increased powers of perception .
7 ‘ We have moved against the trend in opencast mining , which has tended to shrink in response to the general recession and hiatus in the underground coal mining industry .
8 Transient changes in neuropsychological function have also been shown to occur in response to short term changes in plasma phenylalanine concentrations .
9 Colonic diverticular disease is thought to occur in response to a combination of colonic wall weakness and high intraluminal pressures .
10 The productivity of existing resources is alleged to rise in response to the threat to established markets provoked by tariff free trade between union partners .
11 We can accordingly make a general summary of the tasks you are being invited to perform in response to essay questions .
12 To obtain good synchronization of fertilization and hence of subsequent development , the hormone injection schedule should ensure that mating occurs prior to ovulation ( i.e. fresh eggs are fertilized immediately ) and that ovulation is timed to occur in response to the injected hormone and not the surge of endogenous luteinizing hormone ( LH ) .
13 Secondary encopresis Children 's bowel control may have relapsed in response to a stressful event like the birth of a baby , a traumatic separation or loss , and this can be seen as a regression to an earlier level of emotional development .
14 For a short time she stood still and silent , scarcely breathing as she revelled in the novelty of his tenderness , but presently her body started stirring in response to the warmth of his mouth , a new sweetness to her desire .
15 If one failed to arrive in response to his appeals he felt ‘ bitterly , bitterly sad ’ , alone like someone shipwrecked , ‘ absolutely cut off from the outer world ’ .
16 ( vi ) Pupils should be asked to write in response to a range of well chosen stories , poems , plays or television programmes .
17 The vugs , fractures and intercrystalline pores , on the other hand , are thought to have formed in response to late leaching ( Clark 1980a ) .
18 On the last day of the Sale one senior elder was heard to say in response to another 's query as to how he was faring , ‘ Well , I 've just make 40p which I 'm very pleased about ’ .
19 Jess , who had come in response to the message brought by Midnight from Miss Jarman , stood in the doorway appalled .
20 If it is withdrawn , then the advertiser is in breach of contract with any bidder who had come in response to the advertisement .
21 By the time the girl who had rung in response to his advertisement had arrived on the scene , the horse was already bridled and saddled .
22 When she had rung in response to the advertisement card on the board in the Tadley Post Office , she had n't thought of where the classes might be .
23 Only a few weeks before , he had said in response to a publicity interviewers ' assertion that his father , John , had abandoned the family when he was born : ‘ My father and mother separated when I was a baby .
24 A company spokesman said last night that Salomon had acted in response to payments being made by other institutions .
25 In a statement broadcast on March 4 , Gqozo said that the Army had acted in response to repeated requests by the people of the homeland .
26 Boris Kozhin , Commander of Ukrainian Naval Forces , also condemned the move as contrary to the Dagomys agreement [ see p. 38925 ] , but claimed that the sailors had acted in response to humiliation and oppression at Russian hands .
27 Certainly the landscape will continue to change in response to new technological factors and the evolving structure of the agricultural industry .
28 What the Attorney-General — not so much the Minister of State — had to say in response to the private notice question was tragic .
29 It went against all biological sense to suggest that the receptors and the elaborate physiological adaptations which they set in motion had no purpose , or had evolved in response to taking opium .
30 You have heard in response to a direct question put by yourself to an expert for North Yorkshire County Council , that he regarded the village of Flaxton as making a contribution to the historic setting of York , that it had a greenbelt function .
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