Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] some extent " in BNC.

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1 In the twentieth century , history has suffered to some extent in terms of its general significance in relation to people 's interpretations of life , because we now have a whole generation of politicians who , and statesmen , if you can call them such , who know very little history at all .
2 The frequency with which it is enjoyed varies to some extent from person to person ; it varies still more with age and familiarisation .
3 Indeed , as we shall see below , Lyons ' general arguments about language differences can be claimed to rest to some extent on implicit assumptions about literacy of the kind that they make .
4 What has emerged to some extent , especially in the more commercial climate of the 1980s , is an American-style , non-political , ‘ business trade unionism ’ .
5 The classification of Derry and Carrickfergus has worked to some extent .
6 This has happened to some extent with dyke , a disparaging word for lesbians , and with spinster , less disparaging but still pretty negative , which is Mary Daly 's term of choice for women who refuse to accept patriarchal society , preferring to ‘ spin' their own reality .
7 Teacher appraisal did appear to be part of the accountability process , but , as we shall see , this has changed to some extent .
8 While the situation has improved to some extent in recent years , especially in the field of education , nonetheless the basic pattern of inequality remains in all aspects of the social structure , from paid work to the household division of labour , from sexuality to violence .
9 The danger of our treacherous spring unleashing a killing frost , has receded to some extent , and although recent Aprils have done much damage , the early flowers are over by then and the bad spells are , every day , likely to be shorter .
10 It is true that extensive reviews of research in the United States ( Lipton et al. , 1975 ) and in Britain ( Brody , 1976 ) found it to be generally the case that different penal measures had similarly unimpressive outcomes in terms of re-offending , but they also found examples of reformative programmes which seemed to work to some extent with certain groups of offenders ( see Palmer , 1975 ) .
11 What actually happens depends to some extent on the strategies that classes pursue and on the unity with which they organise themselves and seize opportunities to strengthen their positions .
12 It occurs after another consonant , and the way it is produced depends to some extent on the nature of that consonant .
13 Every haulier , wittingly or otherwise , will become involved to some extent in Customs 88 procedures .
14 When I was younger at school I had plans to go into various different things and er th I failed miserably , which is something I started doing and seemed to continue to do to some extent .
15 The urban bias of radio was thus increased : it was virtually impossible for people who had not become urbanized to some extent to be appointed as full-time radio broadcasters .
16 Since bargaining situations are seldom exactly the same your strategy is bound to change to some extent .
17 In most starts , there is usually only one boat which is able to make a perfect start ; everyone else will have to compromise to some extent .
18 The level to which noise needs to be reduced depends to some extent on the noise generated by the occupants : for , an elderly couple living next door to a young and lively family would complain about the noise from next door , but if the old people were replaced by another young and lively family , they would probably not find the noise excessive .
19 False cases offset under-reporting to some extent .
20 The kind of protection that you may require depends to some extent on the status of your employer .
21 Belgium 's most prestigious museum did benefit to some extent , but far less than anticipated .
22 It is for these reasons that his approach seems the more fruitful of the two in understanding the situation in advanced capitalist societies during the last twenty or thirty years , when Adorno 's conception of artistic totality , mirror image of an increasingly global , oppressive industrial totality , presents a theoretical cul-de-sac ; when , by contrast , we are actually bombarded by an increasingly heterogeneous mix of musical methods and messages , often seemingly cut free from traditions and sources , shifted around at random ; when listeners do seem to some extent to have learned , gradually , new perceptual skills , through several decades of habituation , enabling more active comparison of styles , a greater variety of uses and a more ‘ ironic ’ relationship to the stream of musical products ; and when the main opportunities for critique and subversion lie not in head-on ‘ romantic ’ protest but in exploiting temporary spaces , in the cracks and at the margins , within the monolith itself .
23 The experiment seems to have worked to some extent in rural schools with farms attached .
24 If the muscularis propria escapes extensive damage , we assume that the impaired bowel propulsion is allowed to recover to some extent .
25 However , although calcium caseinate is not soluble in water it does soften to some extent after soaking .
26 By the following morning she had recovered to some extent from the unusual happenings in her normally well ordered life .
27 ‘ I love it here , ’ she said enthusiastically , seeing that Lucenzo had relaxed to some extent and was actually exchanging a few pleasantries with one or two people .
28 All strikers had to resort to some extent to borrowing , credit , casual work and other ways and means of managing .
29 The hanging and design of the last room will be intended to reproduce to some extent the appearance of a Water-Colour Society 's exhibition of around 1830 with red walls .
30 Continuing nursing care , it 's important to stress here , that the continuing nursing care , the arrangements have relied to some extent on the use of joint finance to ensure that the Health Authority has been able to meet during the year the extra workload , and er , the budget settlement that they have , er , is actually being discussed at the moment with a view to the picking up some of those costs on a continuing basis .
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