Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] the wrong [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The way that the media has conducted a campaign using fear , and attitudes to so called safe sex , has given the wrong sort of messages to our young people .
2 A party who wishes to appeal from a decision of an expert will be able to do so only : ( 1 ) if the expert has decided the wrong issue ; or ( 2 ) if the expert has asked himself the wrong question : see 13.6.8 .
3 Terrible thing to suggest and anybody who thinks that I think has got the wrong idea of this motion .
4 The hon. Gentleman has got the wrong end of the stick about how they work .
5 ‘ He has got the wrong end of the stick , ’ said Coun Smailes last night .
6 The guide confesses his blunder , saying that he has brought the wrong man to the wrong place .
7 I am giving my hon. Friend the correct answer ; if he has asked the wrong question , that is his problem .
8 It had to be done , and he had known it would not be popular , but he added : ‘ Anyone who becomes Chancellor in order to be popular has chosen the wrong job . ’
9 I got caught last week because I got fed the wrong line .
10 It 's almost like the ceremony of ordaining a bishop in fact if I 'd turned the wrong page we could have ended up with a bishop rather than an abbot you know
11 Perhaps she 'd made the wrong choice , after all , she was thinking .
12 But I did n't have a single partner who said to me afterwards that in a corporate sense I 'd done the wrong thing .
13 Why should she take it out on him that he 'd got the wrong voice ?
14 Margaret panicked , she 'd got the wrong number , the wrong place , the wrong advertisement , why did n't they get off the line , why did n't they leave her —
15 ‘ At first I was prepared to think you 'd made a genuine mistake — that you 'd got the wrong boat . ’
16 Perhaps when she made it clear he 'd got the wrong woman he 'd be sorry …
17 But I 'd bought the wrong weedkiller , it was Tumbleweed and I found out later it 's only lethal to tropical fish , apparently I should have bought pathklear which is much stronger .
18 As Alexander was often heard to say — if you stop doing the wrong thing , then the right thing will emerge naturally .
19 Either she was losing her mind , or she 'd followed the wrong man .
20 So naturally the police thought I 'd identified the wrong body as Uncle . ’
21 She 'd killed the wrong man !
22 Any insect that arrives bearing the wrong smell is instantly attacked .
23 We always seem to get the wrong sort of weather in
24 Okay so I think that erm some of Mill 's system he has given us and accounted them a type of theory of democracy but seems to me deeply by between two ideas , one is that everyone will have a say in government and the other is they should n't be allowed decisive say if they are going to say the wrong thing so that on the one hand we have democratic equality of a source , on the other hand we have an independent theory of the good and a democratic process should be allowed to disrupt the good of the nation and Mill just does n't seem to be able to put these two elements in erm proper coherent fashion .
25 Sophisticated systems incorporate audible and visual signals to warn of product exhaustion , or malfunction , and interlock to prevent the wrong product being fitted .
26 He got fed the wrong line .
27 I got fed the wrong line . ’
28 I do not want to give the wrong impression by quoting that slogan of a well-known Sunday newspaper .
29 So we talk of five hundred redundancies is totally wrong and I think erm in the circumstances calculated to give the wrong impression I hope I will urge that you do not accept the resolution and that we accept in .
30 I often draw in pencil , adding watercolour washes , but I also like to use the wrong end of a brush sharpened to a wedge .
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