Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] himself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Linlithgow 's Labour MP , Tam Dalyell , has aligned himself with local people fighting the proposed workings and has expressed concern that they could damage or destroy a line of beech trees bounding the site .
2 Another partner , Mr Tim Haggie , has distinguished himself in sporting circles .
3 He has deported himself with great dignity .
4 So , together with his engraving , etching and aquatinting materials and his pigments for colours which he always mixed carefully himself , it was in the summer of 1800 that he decided to go north ( to the Lakes ) to begin once again and to try to rid himself of all he had learnt over the last decade and ‘ to adhere as faithfully as possible to nature .
5 Cherry tried to free himself from 20-stone Flashman , who tumbled to the ground , taking with him a handful of material from Cherry 's ripped coat .
6 Not only has he exerted himself tirelessly on teh College 's behalf but he has flung himself with similar enthusiasm into fundraising for the Prince 's Trust and for the Leigh City Technology School in Kent .
7 And it is apparent that Ackroyd has found himself in this manner — through exposure to Wilde , Eliot , and now Chatterton .
8 I am rather surprised that Martin Frears has found himself in this predicament .
9 It is important to emphasise at the outset the magnitude of the task which the applicant has set himself by this appeal .
10 In the past six years he has represented himself before 34 High Court judges , 25 Masters , 14 Registrars , four stipendary magistrates , two Justices of the Peace , and four Scottish sheriffs Yesterday was his 239th court appearance .
11 It is evident that Polybius has identified himself with Roman success .
12 Those who think that Jenny herself is a little dull at times might conclude that Patrick has impaled himself on that point , like one of those Romans whose language he used to teach .
13 However , the fact that an employer may have evidence to support his claim does not preclude the employee from arguing that the employer has conducted himself in such a way that despite an express clause confidentiality no longer exists .
14 There really can be no doubt as to the fact than an employee is expected to adapt himself to new methods and techniques introduced in the course of his employment …
15 The reigning world champion , who turned his back on Formula One after he was outmanoeuvred by Alain Prost last season , has established himself as runaway favourite to win the Indycar championship .
16 He has backed himself at 16-1 to complete the marathon haul to Margate in 130 hours , and he is on course to win .
17 Former marketing and promotions assistant to the now defunct David Messum Gallery , Michael Roosen has launched himself with considerable energy into the business of ‘ Healing , Personal Development , and Stress Management as well as Visual Arts promotion ’ .
18 If Guy had only exchanged contracts last week , he 'd organised himself with impressive speed .
19 The motivating questions are not so much what , as why and how.From the linguist 's angle , it is " Why does the author here choose to express himself in this particular way ? "
20 He 'd got himself into enough trouble already by doing too much of that .
21 With a sinking feeling she knew what he meant — he had no intention of telling his brother how he 'd got himself into this situation .
22 His car was still outside ; it was the open-top Volkswagen Beetle he 'd bought himself on that first day straight from the showroom window .
23 He refuses to commit himself at all on the dating of Abdulkerim 's Muftilik , not even naming the sultan in whose reign it occurred .
24 He needed all his skill and tact if he was going to extricate himself from this situation and spend the night sleeping in his hotel bed , alone .
25 He is n't going to put himself through all that again . ’
26 In addition , the learning steps a student must follow to prepare himself for each test are specified .
27 Was he really going to commit himself to that extent ?
28 I do not want to be harsh , but when I first set eyes on him I knew the type at once : the big , gangling provincial , so eager and relieved to find himself at last in artistic circles .
29 And fifteen minutes later , with all the completed questionnaires returned , there was good reason to suppose that Morse could be right , since three of those concerned , Eddie Stratton , Howard Brown , and John Ashenden , appeared temporarily unable to provide corroboration of their individual whereabouts and activities during the key period of the previous afternoon — the afternoon when the original groups , three of them , had been re-formed slightly ( following Kemp 's telephone call ) , and when anyone wishing to absent himself for some purpose would have been presented with a wonderful opportunity so to do .
30 But where Morse likes his real ale , 16-stone Guarnaccia just ca n't stop stuffing himself with real Italian cooking .
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