Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] herself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 JEWKES : But she sits cooling herself in the hall over against the staircase .
2 She tried to find herself on the map , but the printed boulevards and blocks writhed whenever she looked up at the street , making new patterns .
3 She has busied herself in the promotion of senior civil servants ( looking for people with energy and commitment ) and regularly badgered departments about progress on particular policies — ‘ like a dog after a bone ’ an adviser claims .
4 Sassenach Lilly Meaham is so terrified of bagpipes she has to lock herself in the loo every Hogmanay .
5 Her eyes were rolling with terror as she began to struggle to free herself from the tenacious , sucking mud — struggles that only served to hasten the process and cause her to sink at an even greater rate .
6 Adeva needs to extricate herself from the hands of Smack Productions , hardly the dynamic force in garage music they once looked like they 'd become , in order to capitalise on what is still a growing surge of goodwill in America .
7 The elder of the two policemen smiled at Sarah but she dropped her eyes and tried to busy herself at the sink .
8 For the past five years she has devoted herself to the United Nations Children 's Fund and became its ambassador in an effort to help the world 's sick and starving children .
9 She tried to goad herself through the panic .
10 Robyn headed the jeep up the by now familiar track to the barn and tried to get herself into the right frame of mind .
11 If the GDR , with a 1982 debt service ratio of 63 per cent faces an uphill struggle , Poland , with a debt service ratio of 191 per cent has put herself beyond the point of return as an OECD trading partner for at least a decade .
12 She tried to raise herself from the settee but gentle hands restrained her .
13 The former Soviet international has established herself as the world 's leading female middle distance runner in recent years she won the 1500 metres and 3,000 metres at the inaugural World Championships in Rome in 1987 and finished third and first respectively in the same events at the Seoul Olympics a year later .
14 She tried to limit herself to the most important ones ( to nod ‘ yes ’ or shake her head ‘ no ’ , to point at an object her companion had failed to see ) , to use only gestures that did not pretend to be her original expression .
15 She 'd treated herself to the new dress , from the boutique recommended by Anneliese .
16 She had not looked deliberately , not wanting to tempt herself with the sight of him .
17 The thoughtful echo rang in her ears long after she 'd buried herself beneath the bed cover in the privacy of her room , and yearned for the oblivion of sleep .
18 She 'd flattened herself against the outside wall like someone in a spy movie .
19 She 'd found herself on the receiving end of a great deal of teasing about her impromptu topless dip in the sea and her valiant rescuer , and she 'd fenced it as calmly as she could .
20 How dare she expect up-to-the-minute information when she had decided to remove herself from the scene ?
21 If Rainbow were left to her own devices , she would undoubtedly now choose to remove herself from the taxi altogether , and pace back and forth in the lay-by , enjoying the comparative peace of the rain and the fumes and the roar of the juggernauts until she could get the show back on the road once more .
22 Desperately trying to pull herself together , she strove to console herself with the thought that , if Ross could hardly remember their brief marriage , it was obviously going to make matters easier for them both during this hurried trip to America .
23 Her head turned restlessly on the pillow as she strove to distance herself from the increasingly excited voice of the commentator and the air-splitting whine of the high-revving engines .
24 She took up the beautiful veil you bought me , put it on her own head , then turned to admire herself in the mirror .
25 She had had to wean herself off the dope over a period of years , and still felt the occasional urge for a H-9 hit .
26 While Maureen , who raised the alarm , began to detach herself from the child she had taken home , returning it briefly to hospital , Marie held the infant she called Gemma tightly to her .
27 But soon she began to detach herself from the girls sitting hand in hand in the Bun Shop and from their faintly rebuking way of going at their books .
28 Dawn Allenby , a masochist if ever there was one , should have prostrated herself at the feet of Desmond Fairchild , a sadist in a trilby hat worn with the brim turned up all the way round like vaudeville comic .
29 With her hand on the iron banister , she started to pull herself towards the rooftops .
30 For a fleeting instant she felt as though she had woken to find herself in the lair of a dangerous wild animal .
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