Example sentences of "[noun] [adv prt] with the rest " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Unless your estimable uncle had expensive amusements , Master Hussey , you must surely have come in for this very money along with the rest . ’
2 Chop the trimmings along with the rest of the mushrooms .
3 Mark my words , before the month is out we shall have Earl Robert crossing the Channel to make his peace with Stephen along with the rest of us .
4 ‘ You mean you 've got the boot along with the rest of us ? ’
5 Adopted by his commanding officer , he ends up in an élite training school for Hitler Youth , barking Sieg Heil along with the rest of them .
6 Even more remarkably , they do not digest the nematocysts along with the rest of the sea anemone , but collect them in their stomachs and then pass them along narrow channels lined by motile hairs which move the contents of the channel in one direction only , and which lead from the stomach to tiny pouches situated near the periphery of the papillae .
7 Well you 've got to put your you 've got to put your hand down and hope you turn the rest turn up with the rest of the box .
8 because you can go down in your first line move to the first letter o , after the number , hit the tab key and you 've actually lined up the first line along with the rest of your paragraph .
9 If he had his way , and we signed up for the social chapter , those extra costs would have to be met out of those pay packets and there 'd be even less for people to take in wages so the honourable gentleman should n't be complaining about low pay when he wants to add to the costs of employment along with the rest of his party .
10 I rode Drifter back with the rest of the string and went into breakfast , half expecting to be told I would n't be allowed to ride Fringe .
11 ‘ So now we simply wash Graham 's clothes along with the rest of the family 's laundry , ’ says Kathleen , ‘ although at times we have tried powders for hyper-sensitive skins . ’
12 You were only a sort of number in a bakery and er worked at a table along with the rest .
13 The result , they hoped , would be a virus that had incorporated the HbsAg along with the rest of the DNA in the plasmid .
14 I 'll put the nonfiction back with the rest .
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