Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [adj] access to " in BNC.

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1 One bedroom at garden level has direct access to the patio .
2 The community physiotherapist is part of the district physiotherapy service organized at the major local hospital , and the general practitioner has direct access to the service .
3 AST Research Inc 's agreement to buy Tandy Corp 's personal computer manufacturing business will shoot the Irvine , California company up to fourth place in the US market ahead of Dell Computer Corp and behind Apple Computer Inc , IBM Corp and Compaq Computer Corp — but why should anyone want to buy a personal computer manufacturer — after all no-one came in for bankrupt Everex Systems Inc : the answer is that the deal includes full access to Tandy 's retail stores — AST will supply machines to be sold under the Tandy brand name ; the plant in Scotland is also an attraction .
4 A curved zip gives easy access to the lower compartment .
5 Rethymnon has easy access to the south , east and west of Crete and , with so many charming towns and villages within easy reach , exploration is a must .
6 The Kansas attorney-general has sued the federal government , arguing that the law bars free access to ports .
7 The scenic Antrim Coast Road offers easy access to the Nine Glens of Antrim — Glenarm , Glencloy , Glenarriff , Glenballeamon , Glenann , Glencorp , Glendun , Glenshesk and Glentaise .
8 Second , because the disc offers radial access to its contents , an individual frame or sequence of frames can be located and retrieved very quickly .
9 The programmable gateway supports native access to ‘ virtually any ’ data source via database remote procedure calls .
10 Omni SQL Gateway provides transparent access to homogeneous and heterogeneous data sources .
11 A queue is a sequence of individuals , arranged according to time of arrival , and not according to size or strength , such that the first in the queue has prior access to some resource .
12 If we are serious about making the risks of HIV transmission common knowledge , and I believe we have to be , then we need to ensure that every section of society has full access to the information that is available .
13 This was interpreted as indicating that at the lower inter.stimulus intervals employed ( 5 and 50 msec. ) both hemispheres have access to a short-lived visual trace ( i.e. the icon ) but once the trace decays the right hemisphere has preferential access to , or operates more efficiently on , some more stable representation of the stimulus .
14 The new Directory holds everything from users and their privileges to file servers and printers as objects within a distributed database — the result is that a user logging onto one server gets immediate access to resources , irrespective of location on the internet .
15 Moreover , approximately 50 per cent of the city is open spaces — the Queen 's Park , Arthur 's Seat , and a variety of public parks — while the relatively small overall size permits ready access to the surrounding countryside .
16 In today 's compact kitchen , space can be at a premium , so our storage drawer provides easy access to your baking and roasting equipment .
17 Report line provides on-line access to hard copies of any document registered at Companies House as well as Infolink 's own in-depth Company Status Reports .
18 The program provides direct access to Oracle and Sybase with 48 other databases accessible via Information Builders ' EDA/SQL gateway including hierarchical , flat file and network databases on minis , mainframes and workstations .
19 On the back of the body , a plastic cover offers easy access to the control cavity .
20 They include the following : the extent to which the freedom of the press and other media is guaranteed and protected ; the pattern of media ownership allowed ; the structure of the country 's mass media ; the technology required to ensure rapid and effective generation , processing and dissemination of information at all levels of society and beyond the nation 's borders ; the extent to which the public has easy access to the media channels for meaningful , two-way communication ; and the degree to which the media , besides being a watchdog of public interest vis-a-vis the government , foster the nation 's political and cultural awareness and promote the values and aspirations which the nation has chosen to project as its identifying characteristic in the community of nations .
21 They include the following : the extent to which the freedom of the press and other media is guaranteed and protected ; the pattern of media ownership allowed ; the structure of the country 's mass media ; the technology required to ensure rapid and effective generation , processing and dissemination of information at all levels of society and beyond the nation 's borders ; the extent to which the public has easy access to the media channels for meaningful , two-way communication ; and the degree to which the media , besides being a watchdog of public interest vis-a-vis the government , foster the nation 's political and cultural awareness and promote the values and aspirations which the nation has chosen to project as its identifying characteristic in the community of nations .
22 The Prime Minister dominates the cabinet , its members wait upon a summons ; there is control and prior approval of the agenda from the Prime Minister ; the skilful exploitation of collective responsibility by the Prime Minister can neutralise and isolate a recalcitrant cabinet minority which has no choice but to ‘ shut up or get out ’ ; the Prime Minister has wide access to a network of policy-making cabinet committees , and ‘ deals ’ can be made in inter-departmental committees , cabinet committees , or between the Prime Minister and individual ministers .
23 It does , however , mean that it is essential that PR has direct access to the board in order that PR programmes can be sanctioned and executed with full backing from top management .
24 Set among the pine trees just a few yards from the white sandy beach , the hotel has immediate access to all facilities in the Forte Hotel Village , at no extra charge , in addition to its own select amenities .
25 The document advocates free access to information , as well as free expression .
26 The CAD system gives touch-of-the-button access to hundreds of detailed plans of every major factory floor and office site in the Group .
27 Peterborough 's PS 2000 absence management system provides instant access to detailed information on all absence , giving the user an opportunity to effectively control and monitor the heavy costs and increase profitability .
28 Basically the system provides shared access to a common multi-user timetable/calendar .
29 The software provides programmatic access to SNMP and CMIS services via X/Open 's management procotol application programming interface , XMP-API .
30 The ESRC Data Archive guarantees future access to the material it holds by protecting its information base against technological change .
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