Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] looking for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Hely Hutchinson said that Headline was looking for UK-based acquisitions that offered quality and enhanced shareholder value .
2 The French , for their part , were interested only in American help to achieve some honourable compromise in Indo-China , whereas the militants in Washington were looking for combined military action to inflict a decisive defeat on the communists .
3 A rise in numbers would by itself help to explain why the upper classes were looking for new and wider choice of occupation ; it does not go far towards explaining the popularity of Cîteaux .
4 About the same time TWW were looking for two journalists Ron Evans , a former journalist with the Empire News and the Sunday Times , had already joined the television company and he came over to Thomson House to check me out .
5 The established family farms were , mostly , already profitable and the farmers were looking for sufficient income to provide their families with a reasonable standard of living plus sufficient capital to re-invest in the farm and provide for retirement .
6 Despite the reported ‘ need to hear the voice of the Führer again ’ , Hitler 's traditional speech on 30 January 1942 , the anniversary of the ‘ seizure of power ’ , left some feelings of disappointment , since people were looking for comforting or encouraging words about the state of the war in the east and not for just another stereotype repetition of the Nazi Party 's glorious history .
7 The official said that the cuts would " bring difficulty to the whole economy " and stated that the government was looking for private foreign companies to become involved in joint ventures in an attempt to reduce the country 's budget deficit .
8 When I got the nod that the Government was looking for ex-army officers to form a new force for service in Ireland , I tell you , Eric , I thought my prayers had been answered . ’
9 The school secretary was looking for other jobs to supplement her pay packet , there was n't enough money in the budget to pay for the books to teach the new curriculum , tests for seven-year-olds were bringing their own problems .
10 He took care to appear blithely unworried as he strolled with his staff , for he knew only too well how the French sympathizers in the city were looking for any sign of allied defeatism that they could turn into an argument to demoralize the Dutch-Belgian troops .
11 Nevertheless by 19 July both sides were looking for foreign help .
12 Harmonization proved impossible : the two Services were looking for two quite different aircraft .
13 Athenix was looking for another $8m at least and reportedly could n't get more than $4.5m pledged .
14 While it was stated that ELIZA was looking for key phrases in the ‘ patient 's ’ input , its illusory importance was re-affirmed by repeating the computer 's dialogue at the end of the program .
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