Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [prep] least [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Third , I think there are good reasons to encourage at least one food supermarket in the city centre .
2 I make it a rule to go at least three times .
3 There are enough members in the North-East to demand at least one visit a season from their team .
4 This is equally true for the government of Ethiopia 's attempt to move at least one million people , frequently by force , from the northern districts to the west of the country between 1985 and 1987 .
5 A conciliatory statement by Eisenhower on 20 January 1960 ( which may in itself have given the Soviet leadership the impression that a little meddling in Cuba would not incur serious repercussions ) was vociferously denounced by the PSP , creating an additional source of pressure on the Kremlin to make at least some show of solidarity with Castro 's ‘ small country struggling alone ’ .
6 Try to select material which uses pictures to tell at least some of the story and then make sure that you exploit this in your use of it in the language class .
7 ‘ We suspect the review will be used as an excuse to split at least one of the eight fire brigades up .
8 The recent decision of the Russian government to revive its nuclear-energy programme indicates that the Soviet common joint energy grid , once the largest in the world , may help Russia to restore at least some economic control over its former empire .
9 In January 1991 the Supreme Court ruled that the adjournment was in breach of the Constitution ( which contained an obligation for the legislature to meet at least three times a year ) , causing Namaliu to announce that the legislature would reconvene in May .
10 Thus was it possible for one new Sprinter vehicle to replace at least two old DMU coaches .
11 It 's your plan to play at least one local release every hour that 's causing the real excitement , ’ Luke went on .
12 To help create a long line and obviate intrusive snatched breaths , Karajan hired an additional flautist to cover at least one of the notorious joins in the line .
13 The Children 's Tropical Forests Appeal has been set up to raise £10,000 to buy at least 285 acres of threatened tropical forest in the Jatun Sacha area of Ecuador .
14 The NSF Council had issued a decree guaranteeing freedom of assembly on Jan. 3 , although organizers of public meetings were required by law to give at least 48 hours ' notice to the authorities .
15 In his speech , De Michelis urged EC countries to devote at least 0.25 per cent of their gross national product ( GNP ) towards investment in the Maghreb countries where demographic pressures were rendering them vulnerable to the forces of Islamic fundamentalism and encouraging mass migration to Europe .
16 The most imperative need of all when it comes to Lord 's where leg spinners often make their presence felt , is for England to have at least two left handers and to see how Warne gets on against them .
17 In 1981 Sharpe ( p. 5 ) pointed to an ‘ unresolved tension ’ in central local relationships arising from the ambiguous status of local government , which is subordinate to Parliament , but at the same time ‘ has the potential for independent power ’ through being elected and by having the capacity to raise at least some of its revenue by local taxation .
18 If the Shipman 's Tale is a redaction of a dramatized fabliau of the same kind as the English Dame Sirith we can expect these opening lines to convey at least some particular characteristics of the fabliau as conceived and used by Chaucer .
19 The Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) Education and Enterprise Initiative has set targets for ten per cent of teachers each year to be seconded to industry and for all school leavers to spend at least two weeks on Work Experience .
20 For instance , the well-known Farmington Plan , which operated from 1948 to 1972 , was a voluntary agreement between 60 American libraries to acquire at least one copy of each new foreign publication that might reasonably be expected to interest a research worker .
21 Those of us who feel we are too busy or not dedicated enough to set aside time for exercise periods can utilize our daily routine to provide at least some opportunities to keep fit .
22 His failure to accept at least one gilt-edged chance when he was finally awarded his sixth cap against Norway last month , may also count against Wright when England manager Graham Taylor picks his squad on Thursday for the next World Cup qualifier against Turkey on November 18 .
23 Under the electoral law no other parties retained legal status because of their failure to win at least 1.5 per cent of the vote in elections held in February 1990 .
24 It seems very likely that although there seems to be little in the idea of subliminal advertising , it is quite possible for a familiar ad for a familiar product to have at least some effect of reinforcing a favourable attitude without , to all intents and purposes , being consciously noted by the consumer at all .
25 Adoption of this system has not only avoided the need to employ at least two clerical assistants .
26 She concluded that although her findings showed considerable improvement since previous studies , there were still problems and she made proposals to rectify at least some of them .
27 Planned tourist features like the Tees barrage , the Hartlepool marina and the Wynyard park business and leisure development were considered by Tees Valley 's board of directors , along with its existing achievements , strong reasons to retain at least some of its role in the future .
28 Planned tourist features like the Tees Barrage , the Hartlepool Marina , and the Wynyard park business and leisure development were considered by Tees Valley 's board of directors along with its existing achievements , strong reasons to retain at least some of its role in the future .
29 The madam might occasionally slap the girls or call them rude names , but in the end she wants the customers to buy at least one of them .
30 ‘ The rents-to-mortgage scheme would allow tenants to buy at least half their property from day one by paying the existing rent . ’
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