Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] at [adj] times " in BNC.

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1 This is over and above the ability to schedule the transfer to run at given times .
2 The basis of payment was the subsidy assessment of 1334 , but although this remained in use for the following two centuries , the variations in the extent to which relief was granted in the fifteenth century to communities which had declined in size and wealth since that date suggest that a genuine effort was made to judge their capacity to pay at particular times .
3 Market gardeners often use artificial light and dark cloths to adjust the length of the night and so persuade plants to flower at unnatural times of the year .
4 But whether you use a computer or not there are three principles to remember at all times : a ) Keep your filing up to date .
5 We asked people ‘ Do you meet a broad range of other people in your daily life ? ’ erm ‘ Do you feel that your time is structured , that you have erm things to do at different times of the day ? ’ and so on .
6 The fixed duration , the stereotypy , of the growth phase , makes it possible for particular things to happen at particular times during embryonic development , as if governed by a strictly observed calendar .
7 The best time to see the Lakes he felt was not necessarily high summer , and he recommended people to come at all times of the year so that they might appreciate the great torrents of water after rain and misty light on cloudy days .
8 In order that the scheme functions efficiently it is essential that the reception offices of the hotels within the scheme inform central reservations of the up-to-the-minute availability of rooms to let at all times ; failure to do this could result in double-bookings , loss of goodwill and unnecessary charges being levied against the hotel for the service .
9 The godparent may have a ritual role to the child , such as participating in his wedding ceremony , and taking on certain responsibilities regarding his religious education , but the relationship that is strongest and requires respect , warmth and the obligation to help at all times , is the one between parents and godparents .
10 Although the Constitution contained guarantees of human rights and freedoms , it also stated that it " shall be the overall responsibility of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces to ensure at all times the security , defence and well-being of Fiji and its peoples " .
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