Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] the [adj] amount " in BNC.

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1 ( Note , though , that once prices have risen , people will need more money to conduct the same amount of transactions . )
2 Yesterday Sudbury chairman Iain Hook said the club 's case was based on the fact the division four clubs had a greater need for support as a result of their geographical locations and inability to attract the same amount of outside backing as top clubs .
3 First , it is the only style that was invented by a woman ; and second , it requires only the minimum exertion of force to do the maximum amount of work .
4 His intention to repay the equivalent amount was relevant to dishonesty , not to the intention permanently to deprive .
5 Some British steel factories , using identical machinery to our foreign competitors , use up to 40% more labour to produce the equivalent amount of steel .
6 She was told that it was the law to pay the full amount and she must pay it in full , and her answer was that it was the law last year that everyone should pay their own bills , and what happened to them ?
7 At first you may need several trials to get the right amount of heating from the bulb .
8 In addition to these plans , each of which would be appropriate for different zones , there should be an overall plan to limit the total amount of traffic in the city as a whole .
9 For social research workers to derive the maximum amount of benefit from published data they need to bring some order into their understanding of it , and for this some classification of documentary sources is needed .
10 And with that she went off to the shop to collect the miserable amount of provisions that were due .
11 It is no good knocking local authorities — we have only to consider the figures to see the massive amount that has been removed from rate support grant while the number of elderly people has increased .
12 If a letter contains more than one sheet of paper it should be weighed on the letter scales to ensure the correct amount of postage is affixed .
13 With computer plotting , the same survey readings can be plotted in a variety of ways to extract the maximum amount of information from them .
14 The Grand Junction , he told them , had entered into minimum toll agreements with the Leicestershire Navigation , the Loughborough Navigation and the Erewash Canal , but there had been insufficient traffic to meet the full amount .
15 You can take your endowment loan with you when you move , topping up the policy to cover the extra amount .
16 IF you only need lemon or orange juice in a recipe and not the rind , pour boiling water over the fruit and leave it to stand for 5 minutes to release the maximum amount of juice .
17 Perpetual debt is debt in respect of which the issuer has neither the right nor the obligation to repay the principal amount of the debt .
18 To prevent a heavy landing as the airbrakes are opened , a backward movement is needed on the stick to increase the wing 's angle of attack to maintain the same amount of lift as before .
19 Among the peers identified by the parliamentary writer Andrew Roth as voting in favour of a measure which would oblige a labourer to pay the same amount of tax as a millionaire were the Duke of Buccleuch , the biggest landowner in Europe , the beef magnate Lord Vestey , another of the richest men in Britain , and the eighty-three-year-old Marquis of Bath , of the Longleat Estate .
20 Home-made compost is wonderful , but you will need a lot of space to make the necessary amount .
21 Emily willed her daughter to show the right amount of gratitude , she prayed that the girl would n't take it for granted .
22 As you play the riff , take care to apply the correct amount of right hand muting .
23 This should be of a fine grain size to allow the female to do the small amount of digging necessary to convert her cave into an ideal home for herself and her fry .
24 The A G M will be followed , er , directly after this meeting , er , by an extraordinary general meeting erm to propose , er , an increase in the authorized share capital to seek authority to create new preference share capital to renew the board 's power to allot shares to seek authority to purchase our own shares to reduce share capital by repaying existing preference shares to make some amendments to the employee share schemes to increase the aggregate amount available for directors ' fees and to enable the company to issue summary financial statements .
25 However this is a static structure , it is necessary to know in advance how many items will be stored in order to allocate the correct amount of memory .
26 Triton X-100 ( 0.1% final concentration ) was added to the reaction mixture in order to determine the total amount of lysosomal enzyme present in each lysosomal fraction studied .
27 The success of any navigation is governed by the ability to supply the right amount of water at the right time .
28 The proposition that non-litigation costs can not be subjected to a process of taxation in order to quantify the recoverable amount is , in our judgment , unsound both in principle and on authority .
29 Excepting internationally priced commodities , this meant that all developing countries had to export more in order to import the same amount of goods and services .
30 In order to do so , she had no hesitation in breaking the law and regularly bought clothing coupons from the village women to supplement the meagre amount allocated to her and Constance by the Board of Trade .
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