Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [adv] make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A licensing board may make regulations with respect to the making of applications for licences ( including occasional licences and occasional permissions ) , extension of permitted hours and restriction of the terminal permitted hours and the procedure following thereon , and such regulations may include provisions designed to assist the board in determining the fitness of applicants to hold licences and the expediency of granting licences for the premises in respect of which application is made ; and the board may also make regulations with respect to the procedure to be followed in transferring licences under this Act and with respect to any matters which , by virtue of this Act , may be prescribed .
2 Institutions should therefore make changes both academic and non-academic to help meet the needs of non-traditional students and capitalise on their special strengths .
3 The courts must now make care orders committing children to the care of the local authority .
4 Freud did this , even though his explicit view of science led him to think the scientist should not make judgements of this kind .
5 But even Christians of a more liberal variety must necessarily make reference to a past age .
6 Students want a rapid return of tests for three reasons : they like to feel that they are not being neglected and that correcting their work is considered important by the tutors ; they want to see the result of their attempts while they are still fresh from their memories and they need to see the results of tests before attempting the next one , since tutors may well make comments which will help them to improve .
7 Paragraph 610 of the Bar code provides , first : ’ Counsel must not make statements or ask questions which are merely scandalous or intended or calculated only to vilify insult or annoy either a witness or some other person ; counsel must if possible avoid the naming in open Court of third parties whose characters would thereby be impugned ; counsel must not suggest that a witness or other person is guilty of crime , fraud or misconduct or attribute to another person the crime or conduct of which his lay client is accused ’
8 Although most DNA is in the B form , whose structure was originally determined by Watson and Crick , there is no reason why the cell should not make use of other forms as well , and indeed Alex Rich ( MIT ) described a protein binding with high affinity to the left-handed helix of Z-DNA that he first described .
9 But Surere could never make love to a woman .
10 But although there may be little that another Tory government could do to lower interest rates , Labour would undoubtedly make matters worse .
11 Irrespective of the cause of anxiety , punishing the horse will only make things worse .
12 The reasonableness test is for the tribunal to consider , though both parties will normally make representations to the tribunal on this issue .
13 There is the economic risk that the investment will not make electricity any cheaper , and the less quantifiable but no less real political risk to the CEGB and government of introducing a controversial new technology into the UK .
14 Although concentrating mainly on Britain , the study will also make reference to LFS data for France and Germany — countries where public policies promoting and facilitating early withdrawal are more developed .
15 Thinking can only make use of the patterns we have acquired in the past .
16 Historical study can not make place for any such absoluteness , let alone demonstrate it .
17 On fixed frames , the weaver can only make rugs in sizes smaller than the inner dimensions of the frame ; adjustable frames allow one or more of the beams to be extended so that larger items can be woven .
18 They know that luring foreign investors will be impossible if foreigners can not make telephone calls .
19 So long as the animals can not make contact with the nets there is no problem .
20 From a practical point of view the cost of administration can often make interest charging and collecting more of a minus than a plus .
21 1.3 The employee 's duty not to make preparations in order to compete with his employer after he has left or to enable another to do so The employee can not make preparations during his employment , either during the working day or in his spare time , with a view to competing with his employer once his employment is over if such preparation may have a material effect on his employer 's business .
22 The parents may continually make requests that the child ignores and the parents lose their temper .
23 Shift work could also make attendance at ATB courses difficult though in one case a part-time farmer had given his local organiser a copy of his shift programme for the next six months !
24 The council would also make arrangements to collect damaged food stuffs from commercial premises .
25 But the flexibility would obviously make jobs ‘ more secure ’ .
26 Normally the faculty will not make offers to candidates who have yet to sit their SCE Higher grade examinations .
27 Under the current wording of the legislation , companies can only make profits from supplying electricity and building new power stations .
28 Personal spirituality can only make progress if it is in partnership with social spirituality .
29 The child can not make sense of the world without pattern , without events that repeat .
30 ( We have taken care here to ensure that an unscrupulous user could not make use of the calculus of expressions to reason about the large scale structure of programs .
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