Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [verb] been expected " in BNC.

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1 More units might have been expected to have explored the extra income potential of specialised products .
2 Whether she realized that the French alliance of 1548 was exceedingly fragile , entered into faute de mieux , or whether she assumed that it had a solidity which almost three centuries might have been expected to give it , is not clear .
3 Such an action would have been expected to lower the cyclic AMP content irrespective of the agonist used to stimulate the cells .
4 A more concerted action by governments to address this quiet massacre might have been expected , but part of the problem is the lack of a single international forum to deal with the management of small cetaceans .
5 There is a minor mystery about this mode , for Tolkien might have been expected not to like it .
6 These authorities accepted powers that strengthened local or regional elected authorities might have been expected to obtain .
7 The Black Prince might have been expected to step into his father 's shoes and fulfil the promise he had shown at Crécy and Poitiers ; but he developed an illness in Spain in 1367 which never entirely left him .
8 Under the Commission 's system the region would have had 30 constituency seats of which , given similar hypothetical patterns of voting , the Liberals , Labour and the Conservatives might have been expected to win none , two and 28 respectively .
9 Though those parents who were able to escape to England might have been expected to accept immediate responsibility for their offspring , this was often not practicable .
10 Mr Yeltsin , who in normal circumstances might have been expected to restrain the Russian nationalists , is fighting for political survival against a Congress of People 's Deputies highly critical of his economic reforms .
11 Previously those living with their parents would have been expected to continue living there .
12 Mergers are usually disturbing to employees and managers alike , and a merger of nearly 600 undertakings might have been expected to create more pain than most .
13 Such was the ferment of the times throughout Europe , and such was the rising volume of political controversy within Britain ( bear in mind also the Suffragette agitation and the conflict over the future of Ireland ) , that a more dramatic tipping of the balance than actually occurred in the next few years might have been expected .
14 Judging by the problems caused by regional specialization when an area 's specialism went into decline , this shift might have been expected to lessen the degree of uneven development .
15 Town might have been expected to dispose of a side they have already beaten twice this season , but not necessarily with ten men for 68 minutes of the game .
16 Branson was told that in the week in which the Sex Pistols might have been expected to reach number one the BPI had issued an extraordinary secret directive to the British Market Research Bureau , who compiled the charts , that all chart-return shops connected with record companies should be dropped from the weekly census of best-selling records .
17 Considering the extensive area the complex covered and the large and varied number of the inmates , considerably more guards or prison officers might have been expected , with a much more rigid control over the movements and integration of the prisoners .
18 Qly Ab Return ; quarterly abnormal return ( per cent ) , this represents the difference between what the share might have been expected to earn over the previous quarter given its beta value and the risk free rate of return , and the return of the market over the same period ( ; where the expected return is equal to ) .
19 Leadership might have been expected from the more substantial merchants , members of the élite merchant guilds established by Peter and reformed by Catherine .
20 But if it did , it was apparently to have been a big affair — no mere helicopter-borne ‘ surgical strike ’ — in which sheer weight of numbers and firepower could have been expected to guarantee ultimate success .
21 The 7% margin against the Council 's plans for monitoring visits to sole practitioners might have been expected to be larger in view of the fact that the response as a whole was weighted so heavily in favour of sole practitioners .
22 The popularity of Taylor 's devotional books , his sufferings for the Church , his piety , engaging manner , and contacts in influential Royalist circles might have been expected to qualify him for high preferment in the restored Church in 1660 .
23 Both of the hypertonic ORS contained higher glucose concentrations and higher water obsorption might have been expected from these solutions because of a greater stimulatory effect on active glucose transport .
24 After all , what he seemed to be suggesting was that a woman with her not inconsiderable sex drive might have been expected , long ago , to have found a man to satisfy it .
25 The planters might have been expected to see that slavery in the West Indies was wastefully debilitating , for the slaves died so fast that new ones had continuously to be brought in .
26 The first machines that could be connected to the public telephone networks were introduced in the 1950s , and at this point today 's enthusiasm for fax might have been expected to appear .
27 An association between the ACE/ID polymorphism and blood pressure might have been expected from its anticipated effect on vascular tone and architecture .
28 Certainly in the matter of military aid , as the working party concluded , the US ( without sending troops ) was in a position to make a unique contribution : but even more positive results might have been expected from economic assistance .
29 If you are ultimately dismissed and present a claim to the industrial tribunal , the basic question will be whether , in all the circumstances , the employer could have been expected to wait any longer before taking positive action .
30 This in itself was unusual , as the high-ranking patrons would have been expected to display classical scenes in their houses , leading to the supposition that these intimate portraits of courtesans were most probably on view only in the private apartments .
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