Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] for a moment " in BNC.

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1 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
2 The singing of the birds stopped for a moment , and then started again .
3 Their eyes met for a moment , then he looked away .
4 As he came through the hut again , the man was there , about to sign out , and their eyes met for a moment , and Cormack felt scared .
5 Their eyes met for a moment and Guido smiled back at her , flooding her heart with foolish pleasure .
6 Flipping lazily on to her back , she floated with her eyes closed for a moment , frowning as the sound of a door closing echoed around the pool .
7 ‘ Nearly there now , ’ she said softly , and the fierce dark eyes opened for a moment .
8 Their eyes clashed for a moment , then Leonora shrugged .
9 The aging houngan 's grim facade held for a moment , then dissolved into a spray of laughter lines as he smiled .
10 Their eyes held for a moment and a slow smile began to grow on the darkly handsome face .
11 The bachelor stopped for a moment , while the children 's imaginations took in these wonderful pictures .
12 At the foot of the steps Lan stopped for a moment to turn and stare back at Joseph .
13 The child considered for a moment , then said , ‘ No .
14 Someone set off a rocket over the green , and red and blue sparks hung for a moment against the thunderclouds then vanished into thin air .
15 As the carts came abreast of the Americans seated in their stationary rickshaws , the Annamese who had fallen opened his eyes , and his pain-clouded gaze locked for a moment with Joseph 's .
16 A party of saints danced colourless across a stained-glass window lit for a moment by lightning .
17 The knobbly wheels spun for a moment , and then the truck rolled backwards .
18 And that was as far as she got because the crash-bang music gave the final crash , the stage lights held for a moment and then cut to blackout , and there was a smattering of couldn't-care-less applause from the front of the house .
19 Maxim thought for a moment .
20 ‘ One member of staff left for a moment and a man in his mid-30s appeared out of nowhere with what appeared to be a gun and pushed it into the other assistant 's ribs and asked for the money .
21 Above them , the tiny figure crawling along the top of a pipe stopped for a moment , and then continued .
22 Kosi thought for a moment .
23 Burney considered for a moment .
24 The sergeant deliberated for a moment and then spoke in the soft but unmistakable burr of deepest Mummersett .
25 Sometimes people or Men changed for a moment into some semblance of shape , but then they moved and the mist drifted and they were gone as if they had never been .
26 But towards noon of the next day the clouds parted for a moment .
27 Sergia 's frown deepened for a moment .
28 Rory 's expression softened for a moment .
29 Not a single one of my colleagues doubted for a moment what she said .
30 You 'd probably think that the end product would be a disappointing arcade adventure with very little to keep any gamesplayer enthralled for a moment .
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