Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [prep] the latest " in BNC.

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1 We wo n't be able to nod off as news presenters drone on about the world 's woes and mother-in-laws ring with the latest family crisis .
2 The ancient metaphysics of Indian Serpent lore co-relate to the latest understandings in advanced research in Physics , Biochemistry , Biology and Parapsychology .
3 The figures come from the latest study , Restaurant Chain Market in Europe , compiled by GIRA SIC , a market research company affiliated to the Geneva International Research Associates group , which concentrates on service industries and catering .
4 The figures come from the latest statistical bulletin , The Electronics Industry in Scotland , published yesterday by the economics and statistics unit of the Scottish Office Industry Department .
5 Otherwise its only distinguishing feature is that the staff chalk up the latest Canadian baseball and ice hockey scores on a blackboard , genuinely believing that people are interested .
6 Or to the old city , where the cavernous ancient silos throb with the latest raga , and the wine of Astarte quickens the veins of the young and beautiful ?
7 My interpretation of what is going on at the present day is being saved for the next chapter , but some of the most startling results come from the latest ( and most accurately dated ) deposits .
8 The Pearl findings coincide with the latest Home Owners Confidence Monitor unveiled by the Britannia Building Society .
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