Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] the scene " in BNC.

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1 Other than the dark-coloured car seen at the scene of the second murder , and a dark green car seen at the first , we have nothing whatsoever to go on . ’
2 Little shooting beams of light played over the scene of the sea and the crates of bananas as her lowered eyes struggled to cope with the brightness of the sun that had entered them .
3 The professor hurried to the scene .
4 Fragments found at the scene led police to the garage where his silver Rover was being repaired .
5 She wanted to turn away , but some masochistic streak kept her eyes glued to the scene .
6 If he were tempted to decide against Mrs. McLoughlin , he would indeed ask himself whether any principled distinction could be drawn between her case and the case of mothers who recover for emotional damage suffered at the scene .
7 Detectives are hoping that he may be trapped through a gold bracelet found at the scene of his latest crime .
8 Neither the gun nor the money had ever been found , nor was there any forensic evidence linking Kearney to either a hat , a bag or a pair of shoes found at the scene .
9 Three emergency and paramedic crews rushed to the scene and fought in vain to save the boy 's life .
10 An RUC spokesman said Army experts carried out a controlled explosion on a suspect package found near the scene of the shooting .
11 The murder is perfectly executed , except that the baseball bat left at the scene of the crime is sticky with fingerprints .
12 ‘ From the evidence gathered at the scene , it was very similar to incidents which have occurred elsewhere in the country , ’ Mr Mellish added .
13 Two more of the nave lights had been switched on but the church was still dim compared with the harsh glare of the arc lights trained on the scene and it took him a minute to locate Father Barnes , a dark shape at the end of the first row of chairs under the pulpit .
14 This was not of course found at the scene , but it was probably a flat plastic box pack , smaller than a crush-proof cigarette-packet , with a single flush button depressed by the ball of the thumb to effect detonation .
15 That led them to a Kamalian whose secretions matched the saliva found at the scene of the crime . ’
16 The forensics , for much of which he was still waiting , and might go on waiting unless he pressed , the photographs and diagrams contained in the Scene of Crime report , and the testimony of Mrs Brocklebank .
17 The prospect of a play attempting to deal realistically with the phenomenon of drug and club culture would seem to be setting itself up as a target for scorn and ridicule from people involved in the scene and as a scapegoat for moral guardians who bitterly oppose it .
18 ‘ Think it was sweetpapers and a comic dropped at the scene .
19 ‘ I had worked out what I thought was a good routine for him and had his personal stunt man run through the scene for him , ’ said Cannutt .
20 One witness claimed a shotgun was brandished before police arrived at the scene .
21 One witness claimed a shotgun had been brandished before police arrived at the scene .
22 And today detectives returned to the scene .
23 The attack happened in March , and in a bizarre twist , the rapist returned to the scene some hours later to replace a pair of shoes he 's stolen from his victim .
24 The camera returned to the scene of the disaster , lingered over piles of debris strewn on the railway embankment and focused on firemen cutting through the tangled remains of the trains .
25 That is where the plugger and press officer come on the scene .
26 And police believe this stolen Golf left at the scene may hold some clues .
27 The bidirectional reflectance is the ratio of the radiance of a target under specified angular conditions of irradiance and viewing , to the radiance of a Lambertian reflector placed within the scene .
28 The conventionalist judge we just imagined , who worries whether deciding against Mrs. McLoughlin would be efficient in virtue of the precedents that mothers may recover for emotional injury sustained at the scene , has no need to look for any larger underlying principle " embedded " in these precedents or to defend one controversial view about the content of these principles .
29 Berret and his companions repaired to the scene of the crime for the inevitable measuring and taking of statements .
30 He denies that the decision in McLoughlin should turn on whether any distinction in principle can be found between the case of emotional injury suffered at the scene of an accident and the same kind of injury suffered later .
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