Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] later at the " in BNC.

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1 She was mainly educated at home by governesses , and at school in Southport and later at the High School for Girls , Manchester .
2 In 1196 he retired in order to become a monk , first at Studenica and later at the Serbian monastery of Hilendar on Mount Athos , both of which religious houses had been founded by him .
3 In the course of the 1960s the boundaries of what counted as " English " began to expand as more interdisciplinary and joint programmes of study were offered , especially at the new universities and later at the polytechnics .
4 Over the next 12 years or so , he fulfilled several senior production management appointments within the Group — as works manager at Mason 's Ironstone , general manager of the Jasper department and later of the decorating department at Barlaston , production director at Coalport and later at the Eagle factory — before being appointed to his present role as Barlaston production director three years ago .
5 ‘ The Written Word is the product of some eight years of experimentation and practical use , first at the University of Edinburgh and later at the University of Quebec .
6 He was educated at Brompton Grammar School and later at the Royal College of Chemistry at Oxford Street .
7 He was educated at a private school and later at the Bellevue Academy , Greenwich .
8 Ron Roddan has been coaching at his club , Thames Valley Harriers , for twenty-nine years , first at the Alperton track in north-west London and later at the West London Stadium .
9 ‘ That week orchestras around the world programmed the Adagietto as an elegy to Lenny 's memory , ’ Kaplan recalls , ‘ and while the precedent had been set by Bernstein himself [ he had conducted the movement at a memorial service for Koussevitzky and later at the funeral of US Senator Robert Kennedy ] , I was afraid that these ultra-slow , sad performances were helping to a trend into a false tradition . ’
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