Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] bring [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You feel , perhaps , that it would be a marvellous thing to go to the Counterweight Continent and bring back a shipload of gold ? ’
2 At half time you can change your tactics and bring on a substitute .
3 Shah 's victory opened the door to a brave new world in which the proprietors could , once more , manage the industry and bring about the sorts of changes which they had long desired .
4 Edward VIII , the rise of Hitler , and World War Three which will last three years and seven months and bring about the end of the world .
5 ‘ OK , Ellis , take out the tray and bring on the sex maniac . ’
6 To sum up the hybrid theory that has emerged : it is that non-reinforced pre-exposure to a stimulus will allow the formation of potentially interfering associations and bring about a loss of associability .
7 If a man had been repeatedly unsuccessful he would go to the river , dive to the bottom and bring up a lump of clay with which he would mark his forehead , taking care to be unobserved , otherwise the spell lost its efficacy .
8 A HAIRLINE crack just two centimetres long in an engine manifold of the newest space shuttle has caused NASA engineers to jettison an engine and bring in a replacement .
9 The forces that we are dealing with are so far removed from what we regard as the material world that they will completely revolutionize physics and philosophy and bring about a profound change in humanity 's perception of reality .
10 Ellie had barely started her own meal , but now she and Patsy had to get up , as was their required duty , to collect all the dirty crockery and bring in the pudding .
11 Most mammals use their sense of smell to find food , and all rely on smell to supplement their taste buds and bring out the full flavour of food , as anyone with a heavy cold will know .
12 While people may even find themselves avoiding others who would be understanding , precisely because their concern may threaten to breach fragile defences and bring on the ‘ crack-up ’ that feels as if it is only just being fended off , as it is .
13 Add a dash of spice to your cooking and bring out the full flavour .
14 The spiritual resources of patients can do a great deal to help in their recovery or bring about a peaceful death .
15 It really is exciting and something which it 's difficult to express and even better if we can do something for Herefordshire and bring back a winner .
16 You can click on an empty space on the desktop and bring up the Task Manager .
17 We need to concentrate on the FA cup , getting a deceent run will give the players some confidence and bring in the money as well as keeping us fans happy ( well relatively speaking ) .
18 We need to concentrate on the FA cup , getting a deceent run will give the players some confidence and bring in the money as well as keeping us fans happy ( well relatively speaking ) .
19 On trips into London after we 'd finally moved to Wales , I would raid skips and bring back the booty on the car roof-rack .
20 At forty-five years of age he was at the height of his powers , determined to drive out the Almoravids and bring about a united Spain .
21 FINLAND 'S government yesterday announced an emergency economic austerity package to stem an outflow of investment capital from the country that is threatening to force a major devaluation and bring down the centre-right administration .
22 Thus Tony Benn , in June 1975 and three months into his tenure as Secretary of State for Industry , summed up what this volume is all about — his vain attempt to persuade government and Civil Service to implement Labour Party policy and bring about an irreversible shift of power and wealth to the working class .
23 Faced with the mounting cost of a war against the American colonies , the coalition government in Westminster had instituted a punitive and highly unpopular tax by the Stamp Act of October 1783 : all registrations of baptisms , marriages and burials would be charged at 3d. a time — and so there was every incentive for local clergy , working on 10 per cent commission , to get around the parish and bring in the strays .
24 An arc of movement and bring down the feet
25 So too his message of the coming kingdom can not be lifted out and carried over to the present : that message was refuted when Jesus himself attempted to provoke the intervention of God and bring about the end of history by challenging the powers and authorities of his own day .
26 Self-massage with essential oils , combined with skin-brushing ( described at the beginning of this chapter ) and aromatic baths will increase your energy levels and bring about a sense of well-being — almost equivalent to a professional aromatherapy massage !
27 So , with ‘ fly away Peter ’ you lift up your left hand and , as your fingers go out of sight behind your ears , you put away your index finger and bring out the second finger .
28 But in Italy at the same time both foreign and native composers were developing forms of secular polyphony which later in the century were to spread over most of Europe and bring about a remarkable expansion of music 's technical resources in the regions of harmony and tonality and in emotional and pictorial expressiveness .
29 These would undoubtedly deter smaller corporations and bring down the incidence of corporate crime , particularly amongst the relatively smaller national-bound corporations , and even those larger corporations whose capital equipment is relatively fixed and who need the local more specialized work force .
30 Hence they throw into relief and bring out the significant aspects of the phenomenon in question .
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