Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [vb -s] himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was painful , beautiful and obscure , a not uncommon state of affairs when the creator also directs , gives a running commentary on the action and writes himself into the story at the end .
2 All these images together are used when Aragorn draws Andúril and declares himself to Éomer ( II , 36 ) :
3 When a complete stranger breaks into YOUR home and helps himself to YOUR most valued possessions — its not just the expense that hurts .
4 I was particularly taken by Patricia Routledge , unmistakeable even looking through a letter box , and by Lionel Jeffries for his affecting rendition of : The troops are ready to mutiny , The colonel is missing or dead , When up steps a bold , young lieutenant And places himself at the head .
5 In some cases , the author seeks to disguise his presence and distances himself from the narrative by employing techniques such as interior monologue , dialogue and intermediaries , which simultaneously highlight the subjective nature of the material presented and create the impression of an autonomous narration .
6 That is , the generality of the depression will depend on whether the person 's helpless views extend to all areas of his life ; the length of the depression will depend on how stable his helpless attitudes have become ; and self-esteem will be lowered if the person has internalised his helpless attitudes and sees himself as a failure .
7 He is suffering from the consequences of this accident and reproaches himself for the distress the family of the child is being put through .
8 He has never stayed in any one place longer than a couple of years and prides himself on knowing when to go .
9 Where , however , the defendant is unaware that he is confronted by a policeman and believes himself to be entitled to use force , the situation is different .
10 In France the representative bureaucrat involved in space has had an elite technical or scientific education and sees himself as the partner and motivator of the innovative businessman .
11 Asked whether he shared Vera 's doubts about progress since the collapse of the communist regime , Ladislav lights another cigarette and settles himself at the table : ‘ A lot of the intellectuals are unhappy that the so-called ‘ transition' ’ is taking so long .
12 How easy is it to show concern for school work when a beloved father takes you to school in the morning and kills himself by midday ?
13 Disappointed , he returns to his rooms and consoles himself by looking through his collection of photographs of ten boys he has loved .
14 Nevertheless , as I understand it , the individual may be striving towards mature object relations but finds himself in situations where those in authority to whom he may want to relate may cause him to regress towards infantile dependence .
15 ( 1937 , You 're in the Army Now in US ) , the improbable tale of an American hoodlum who takes on the identity of a murdered gambling companion and finds himself in the British Army , where he slowly comes to understand the habits of self-effacing Englishmen .
16 Finally he hooks his belt onto the Doom Diver Catapult and braces himself for sudden acceleration .
17 This fantasy is shattered when Magwitch suddenly re-enters his life and announces himself as the mysterious benefactor .
18 Actually he simply likes to live a normal life and keeps himself to himself , but in the end he decided that he would do it .
19 fairy-tale in which the wolf kills and eats the grandmother of a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood , then gets into her bed and disguises himself in her clothes to trap the child .
20 A male settles close to a female and identifies himself by vibrating his wings to the rhythm of his love song .
21 He snaps and frets and worries himself into a frenzy .
22 At the branch of a St Lucia hotel , Doc pulls his face into a welcoming rictus and steels himself for the Happy Hour invasion .
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