Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [prep] the whole " in BNC.

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1 Members can also choose how long they wish to stay at the ‘ weekend ’ , whether for just a morning or afternoon or for the whole day-and-a-half .
2 Denoting the intrinsic energy change by — U we have the equation and for the whole body Now the rate at which work is done by the external forces is The second integral converts by Gauss 's theorem to Now is we assume infinitesimal strains we may write and the second term vanishes in the summations .
3 As a result the change in atmosphere , in tactics and in the whole conception of " Unity " in the second half of the decade was spectacular .
4 A properly radical perspective would look instead at fundamentals — at the shape of schools as organisations , at the relationships between managerial and professional aspects of work in schools and at the whole question of the location of management as a set of tasks and processes ; at who does what , where and when in the management process .
5 They 're retiring to various parts of the country , down here onto the Sussex coast and on the whole coast into the South West — to the pleasant places if they can afford to do it , and they 're leaving the inner city and leaving behind there a lot of young families , often single parent families and older people , and of course the kind of provision you have to make , the Social Services , the needs of these communities differ quite widely .
6 Joy retold how the problem of how the mobile coffin in transit was resolved , and Alan spoke movingly about his feelings for Nigel and about the whole concept of a DIY funeral .
7 These courses are a very important initiative not just for this diocese but for the whole country at a time when we need to find new ways of helping lay people and priests to work together in furthering the mission of the church .
8 A friend said : ‘ Sly 's worried for his houses and for the whole island .
9 During that term , the deputy head was pushing the committee to expand this work in the direction of his vision of study skills across the curriculum and for the whole age range .
10 Is it possible — and if so is it desirable — that the institutional , professional control of the curriculum and of the whole teaching context should be shared with the participants ?
11 Whether it is done in groups , with individuals or with the whole class , everyone viewing should be involved in a positive way in carrying out the evaluation .
12 It is possible for a series of nick points to migrate up a stream and for the whole series to coalesce when they are held up by a resistant bed .
13 All that appears is an aggregate cost figure , applying to each scenario and over the whole fuel cycle , with a limited ( 10 per cent ) sensitivity analysis .
14 ‘ I have sinned most grievously before Heaven and against the whole realm of England ’ , he wrote .
15 Catholic Education is not simply about preparing young people for the job market — it is about enabling them to become fully human , it is about learning to make moral judgements and about the whole process of Christian formation .
16 Then the light went , not just from his cheek but from the whole world .
17 Suppose that the strategy involves real innovation — not only for the group but for the whole industry .
18 Thus " information handling " does not merely cover using the microcomputer to find references to aspects of pollution such as ACID RAIN but to the whole process of learning done in the classroom and the school library .
19 Was the figure of 40,000 million gallons of flood water to which James Rougvie refers passing Perth in an hour , a day or during the whole period of the flood ?
20 Officers collect and present material both to committees and to the whole council .
21 Accordingly , following the view of the majority in Ward v. Byham and of the whole court in Williams v. Williams and that of the Privy Council in Pao On v. Lau Yiu the present state of the law on this subject can be expressed in the following proposition :
22 IBM , which had revenues of $60bn and profits of $6bn last year , shook Wall Street last week by warning that earnings forecasts for the third quarter and for the whole year would fall significantly below expectations .
23 Eduardo Paolozzi 's colourful complexities of grid and cog , which run riotously beyond the platforms and through the whole station at Tottenham Court Road , mirror the buzzing electronics and music shops at road level .
24 Such was the prophetic hope , not only for the Suffering Servant or the Messiah of Israel but for the whole people of God .
25 I was n't angry with the attackers , not with the malais , not even with my stupid self but with the whole situation .
26 I believe that it is in the interests not only of the United Kingdom but of the whole world that we should seek to pursue much more vigorously the possibility of a comprehensive ban on nuclear testing .
27 The top award went to Brian Miller from Merseyside who was not only top in his branch for generating leads , but top in his area and in the whole country .
28 For the sake not just of the American people but for the whole world , we pray that Mr Clinton will fulfill his promise .
29 A colour can be replaced for just a single stitch , across a complete row or throughout the whole design .
30 Transgenic animals with deleted or mutant tumour suppressor genes provide an elegant model for correction of inherited predispositions to cancer by gene transfer either into particular tissues or into the whole organism .
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