Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] to take [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Northumberland failed to take her into his personal custody , but their exchanges of letters during her incarceration in Carlisle were to contribute largely to the disastrous Rising of the North in 1569 .
2 Minutes later as neighbours rallied round to help the nursing home worker an ambulance arrived to take her to hospital .
3 She found it behind the chair and picked it up , but Maggie tried to take it from her .
4 When Cathy got pregnant at fourteen by the lodger who until recently had lived in her family 's home , her parents decided to take him to court .
5 Then as if he had on the spur of the moment decided to take her into his confidence , he added , ‘ But she was always a tiny bit sad .
6 Prime was born in the early 1970s , structured around the PrimOS operating system , which was developed on Honeywell Inc minicomputer hardware under a government contract , which meant that when people on the development team wanted to take it into the commercial world , they were able to buy the operating system for a nominal sum , and developed a new processor optimised to run it to create the 50 Series , the customer base for which will now be subject to a flock of companies wanting to win users over to their open systems .
7 To his considerable credit , he persisted with the cause of press freedom even when his stand threatened to take him to gaol 20 years ago .
8 Rourke 's growl was indecipherable to Lissa , but Adam seemed to take it in his stride .
9 They ate less and less , never venturing outside the villa , the physical aspect of their relationship consuming them both as Damian began to take her beyond her new-found sensuality , smashing barriers as he went , teaching her everything about her body and his until she thrilled to the power of knowing how to touch and kiss him to make him breathless with ecstasy , whispering incoherent , urgent words of encouragement to her until they both fell into their usual sleep of pleasurable exhaustion , completely united by the passion that raged just as highly between them now as it ever had from the very beginning .
10 it did n't seem last night had to take it off her
11 The King wanted to take me round the garden .
12 Without any preamble , except the customary offer of a cup of tea which I declined , the Inspector began to take me in painstaking detail through my account of my discovery of Froggy 's body .
13 The whore went to take them from the child .
14 Men set off in a local bus commandeered to take them to the factories on the edge of the town .
15 Eventually a man from the tower arrived , and a little bus came to take us to the aircraft .
16 Rosie promised to take me on her next day off . ’
17 ‘ When we were kids , I was ten , Claire was five , Dad promised to take us to Disneyland .
18 ‘ When we were kids , ’ she says , ‘ Dad promised to take us to Disneyland . ’
19 The others decided to take it as a signal , and along with Paul and Agnes jumped out of their armchairs and hurried to their cars .
20 Wi , Joan wanted to take it into the party the other night they would n't let her .
21 But a nice undertaker with a very smart 1950S hearse agreed to take them to the next town .
22 Cocooned in happiness , Leslie seemed to take it in his stride , his attitude one of cheerful impatience .
23 After mass a lay brother offered to take us on a tour of the church and other interesting sights of the abbey .
24 She put it off because Christmas was coming up , and then Tony her boyfriend wanted to take her to Paris and she knew if she revealed her pregnancy she would n't be allowed to go , so she said nothing .
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