Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] increased [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Official estimates released on June 24 showed that foreign investment had increased by 48 per cent in 1992 .
2 He said that deforestation had increased by 75 per cent between 1985 and 1989 and that around 350,000 hectares of tropical forest were lost in Peru every year .
3 As a result its turnover had increased for 14 successive years .
4 By the end of the conditioning procedure the number of such repetitions had increased by 104 per cent .
5 By the late Taishó period the figure had increased to one million .
6 The relative lack of council housing has made this system more important : in 1948 34 per cent of farmworkers lived in tied housing , but by 1976 this figure had increased to 53 per cent .
7 The 1986 Public Expenditure White Paper , for example , referred to over 1,200 such measures — the majority in Whitehall departments — and by 1987 the figure had increased to 1,810 .
8 The number of letters received showed a sharp increase to just over 6,000 in 1992 , 30% more than in 1991 , while the number of telephone calls received increased by 2,500 to nearly 42,000 .
9 The amount of benefit paid increased from 18 million pounds in 1983 to about 1,000 million pounds in 1989 .
10 By 1790 the yield from wine duties had increased by 29 per cent , that from spirits by 63 per cent and that from tobacco by 89 per cent .
11 While exports for the year achieved a record , showing a 13 per cent increase at $364,300 million , imports had increased by 7.3 per cent to $472,900 million ( also a record ) .
12 By 1985 — 6 , the numbers claiming rent rebates had increased to 4 million , the numbers claiming rent allowances to 1.2 million , and the number of householders claiming rate rebates to 7.3 million .
13 Fourteen additional units were authorised in May 1986 , by which time traffic on the Midland electrified lines had increased by 50 per cent since electrification .
14 HTFS began with seven members and , by the end of its first year , membership had increased to 20 including major companies such as Babcock Energy , BOC Process Plants , Foster Wheeler Energy , ICI , John Brown and M W Kellogg , all of which are still members today .
15 At the Party 's Fourteenth Congress , held at Battersea on 29 May 1937 , Pollitt reported that membership had increased to 12,500 , nearly twice that at the previous Congress in 1935 .
16 By the start of the 1990 season membership had increased to twenty and the club took on a more professional approach .
17 Between 1851 and 1861 , for example , in 821 rural parishes covered by the investigation the population had increased from 305567 to 322064 , while the number of houses had fallen from 69225 to 66109 .
18 The number of serving police officers per 1,000 population had increased by 20 per cent during the 1970s ( Burrows and Tarling 1987 , p.230 ) and the increase continued during the Thatcher decade .
19 Between 1951 and 1961 , he said , population had increased by 10,000 , but 6,500 had left the city because they were unable to find accommodation .
20 Faced with medical evidence that the number of Frenchmen with below-average sperm counts had increased from twenty-nine per cent to just over seventy per cent , a specialist laid the blame on depression , anxiety , overwork , the use of tranquillizers and insomnia .
21 We achieved good wins in and around Montreal and when we moved to Ottawa our lead had increased to 150 shots .
22 US officials said that imports from China had increased by 42 per cent in the first six months while US exports to China had risen by only 18.4 per cent , and the US trade deficit with China was expected to rise to US$15 billion .
23 Unemployment levels had improved , falling to 9.7 per cent from 10.6 the previous year , while inflation had increased to 3.1 per cent in 1989 ( 1.2 per cent in 1988 ) but it was still considered to be under control .
24 Economists estimated that the rate of inflation had increased to 20 per cent during fiscal 1989 , an increase of 1.5 percentage points over the previous year .
25 Increasing numbers of women went to cheap matinees at the cinema during the inter-war years , where 70 per cent of the weekly audiences in London comprised women and girls , and by 1939 the number of wirelesses had increased from 200,000 in 1923 to over 8.5 million .
26 The LCC area had declined in population by 0.2 per cent overall , but within that Lewisham had increased by 26 per cent and Wandsworth by 34 per cent ; the population of Middlesex was up by 42 per cent in ten years , Essex and Surrey both by 30 per cent , while the population of Ireland had fallen by another 2 per cent .
27 Miti also claimed that in the past five years Japan 's imports from its 10 largest trading partners had increased by 96 per cent , while exports had risen by only 45 per cent .
28 By 1990-91 , the cost of collection had increased by 83.5 per cent and amounted to £43,558 million , or about £12 of the community charge payable by adults .
29 Four months after symptom onset , his CD4 count had increased to 590/L ( 35.9% ) and CD8 was 476/L .
30 Since 1945 the built-up area had increased by 2.5 times , whereas population had hardly increased at all .
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