Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] at [art] university " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr Aram 's interest in North of England textile mills all began during his undergraduate days at the University of Nottingham ’ Dr Chapman explained .
2 According to Theodore Vriezen , Professor of Old Testament Studies at the University of Utrecht , the Babylonians deported mainly the upper classes and left perhaps 20,000 of the lower classes behind , so as not to let the country fall into total decay .
3 Students who are nationals of one of the member states of the European Community ( other than the United Kingdom ) and who are accepted on undergraduate courses at the University of Ulster will , in most cases , be eligible to receive a mandatory award to cover the payment of fees .
4 17 undergraduate students at the University of Edinburgh and Queen Margaret College [ 71 subjects from a previous study ( Conn and Lee 1991 ) ] .
5 142 second-year undergraduate students at the University of Edinburgh .
6 Second-year undergraduate students at the University of Edinburgh .
7 In a separate study which Jenkins and Sherman quote , from the Institute of Manpower Studies at the University of Sussex , the estimate was that for there to be enough jobs created to keep unemployment down to the levels of the mid-1970s there would need to be growth in the gross domestic product ( GDP ) averaging 3.5 per cent per annum in the UK .
8 The drawing has been authenticated by Dr Carlo Pedretti , director of the Armand Hammer Centre for Leonardo Studies at the University of California , Los Angeles .
9 All the published sermons preached at St Paul 's Cross in London from 1570 onwards took a firm Calvinist line on predestination , and the theology faculties at the universities dispensed doctrinal Calvinism to those training for the ministry ; meanwhile the laity were provided with the Genevan Bible in 1560 and a Calvinist catechism in 1563 .
10 The final year Hotel and Catering Management degree students at the University of Huddersfield are compiling a number of reports focusing on the domestic hotel market in various international locations .
11 Dr Hayes ' remarks come in reaction to plans put forward by sports captains at the University , to encourage top athletes to apply to Oxford .
12 Napier alumni qualify for reduced membership rates at the university 's libraries .
13 A raid on the adjoining rugby club meant that the phone lines at the University ground were cut for a day .
14 Raúl Castro , having worked closely with PSP members at the university during 1952 , attended the Communist-sponsored Fourth World Youth Congress in Vienna in February 1953 and went on to visit Bucharest , Budapest and Prague .
15 The third year of the course is spent following European Studies courses at a university in the country whose language is being studied .
16 In addition , students would take one option from the range of theology or development courses at the university , and write a dissertation which might be linked to the seminar series .
17 Middle-class people and intellectuals , as in Germany , were greatly attracted ; student organizations at the universities were quick to exclude Jews , forbidding their members to take cycling or walking trips with them .
18 It was a relic of student days at the University of Bonn .
19 The gunman shouted ‘ I want the women ’ as he roamed the engineering buildings at the university , spraying bullets before turning his semi-automatic rifle on himself .
20 The gunman shouted ‘ I want the women ’ as he roamed the engineering buildings at the university , spraying bullets before turning his semi-automatic rifle on himself .
21 In a background paper , Dr Paul A V Ansah , director of communications studies at the University of Ghana , outlines the situation in Cameroun :
22 The Princess Royal this afternoon attended the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux at the University of York and was received on arrival by Major-General H. Woods ( Vice-Lord-Lieutenant of Yorkshire ) .
23 Richard Kilborn is head of film and media studies at the University of Stirling and has recently published a book titled Television Soaps .
24 ‘ There are a number of high quality players at the university who are playing with other club sides , as well as a few players returning to the province , ’ he said .
25 The two who are to be expelled are Mr Karen Abrinia , aged 32 , and Mr Mehrdad Kokabi , aged 33 , engineering students at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology .
26 The Students ' Representative Council ( SRC ) was founded in 1884 to give the students a right to a say in the running of student services at the University .
27 The provisions made by his executors to establish loan chests at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge after his death suggest that Gilbert may have received some sort of university education .
28 Whether we as surgeons like it or not , our engineering colleagues at the University now have the knowledge and expertise to revolutionise many of the surgical procedures performed across all specialities and make our current methods appear extremely crude . ’
29 In July , we reported that the Trust had donated £400,000 towards the cost of improving library facilities at the University .
30 Dr Carl Chinn , Birmingham graduate , former bookie and soon to be Community Historian in Birmingham Studies at the University , speaks out in defence of his home city , which in 1989 voted him ‘ Brummie of the Year ’ .
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