Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the same family " in BNC.

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1 I am very pleased to be part of the same family and to know that my parents feel the same .
2 I understand you are also doing a Day Care leaflet which should , presumably , be part of the same family .
3 Also facing the green at the entrance to the church is the old forge , worked by many generations of the same family of blacksmiths till the 1970s when it was converted to a bus shelter .
4 The 73-year-old spinster , who worked for three generations of the same family for 56 years , was dragged 30 yards before falling under the giant wheels .
5 This comes from the study by Goldthorpe , Llewellyn and Payne ( 1980 , pp. 152–6 ) on patterns of social mobility for men , as measured by a comparison of the occupational status of different generations of the same family .
6 Three generations of the same family set for the London Marathon : Andy Andrews , Andy Fearn and Daniel Fearn
7 Welcome back:Three generations of the same family have helped doctors make a pioneering discovery in the battle against diabetes .
8 Still owned by Franca Vivani della Robbia , the villa is now managed by Signora Caterina Buonamici of the same family .
9 In April 1987 supplementary benefit for the same family equalled 43 per cent of average earnings , and in April 1988 the level of income support available to this family amounted to only 37.3 per cent of earnings .
10 The major reasons for a care order are that the children have themselves committed an offence , they are in need of care , protection and control , or they or another child of the same family have been victims of an offence or are in the same household as a person convicted of a serious offence such as manslaughter , cruelty or suchlike .
11 Application must be made on form CHA 19 and a separate form must be completed for each child within the same family .
12 Use the darkest pinks on lids and lips , for example , then lightly highlight cheeks , chin and browbone with paler tones in the same family .
13 If orders are sought for more than one child in the same family , a separate form must be completed for each child .
14 The bourgeoisie as a class found enormous difficulty in combining getting and spending in a morally satisfactory manner , just as it failed to solve the equivalent material problem , how to secure a succession of equally dynamic and capable businessmen within the same family , a fact which increased the role of daughters , who could introduce new blood into the business complex .
15 It has been put on the market after 600 years in the same family and is expected to fetch around £400,000 .
16 It is rarely inherited , and there are rarely two cases in the same family .
17 Growing in the same river as D. angustifolium , but in other places as well , is another rheophyte in the same family , Aglaia yzermannii , which may also be fish-dispersed .
18 This has remained for five generations in the same family , and roughly speaking with headquarters on the same site , whereas Smith 's ownership has passed through several families and occupied many addresses before settling in 1921 on 57–61 St Vincent Street .
19 That a taxonomist from Mars , armed with a DNA hybridisation machine , would classify men , chimpanzees , and gorillas in the same family comes as no surprise .
20 It took some getting used to the idea that Gentiles were fellow-heirs in God 's kingdom , brothers and sisters in the same family , for there was a great deal of prejudice against the Gentiles .
21 Here , a family of three died … last year four people from the same family died a few miles furtehr east .
22 The rules were based on the principle of substitution using a common ‘ radical ’ ( we would now call it a parent ) to denote members of the same family .
23 Although a close-knit group and members of the same family , no two are alike , each posing its own problems of route finding , its own hazards ; only in the excellence of their views are they akin .
24 Very commonly two or more men shared a single assessment , mostly members of the same family , though the occasional bracketing of different surnames suggests cousins or , rather , in-laws — the husbands of co-heiresses who were commonplace among landowners locally ; and maybe business partnerships of the kind often formed by miners to save expenses .
25 Players with the same name on either side is comparatively common , especially in domestic cricket where two members of the same family may play for different teams , but two players on each side sharing surnames in a Test is one of those statistics whose arrival is well overdue .
26 Thirdly , while members of the same family are held to share identical degrees of status , privilege , power and wealth , simply by virtue of their common membership of this unit , differences of role , position and status within the family are not themselves considered to be criteria of stratification .
27 In consequence , the Royal Messiah and the Priest Messiah would have had to be as closely linked as possible — which they were in Maccabean times , for example , when both were members of the same family .
28 This title often passed to successive members of the same family , creating military dynasties .
29 Members of the same family tend to resemble each other ; if one were warningly coloured , many others would be as well .
30 Indeed , it would seem that members of the same family who quarrel in the garden may be guilty of the offence .
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