Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [det] direction " in BNC.

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1 By sliding the lace carriage in the same direction for ten rows the knitting will have a distinct leaning in one direction , then by sliding it the other way for ten rows , the knitting will form a zig-zag lace effect which can be most attractive as an edging , or for shawls and scarves .
2 When General Dankl 's First Army marched , to reach and take Lublin and Cholm , Auffenberg was to move in unison in the same direction .
3 For completeness I mention one further small pointer in the same direction , if one be needed .
4 For Newton there was no satisfactory account of why the planets should orbit the sun in the same direction and in roughly the same plane : This aesthetically pleasing scheme could only be explained by appealing to God 's initial design .
5 Machine the tape close to its edge , avoiding the cords , stitching along the top and bottom in the same direction .
6 They took the nearest passage in the same direction , snapping off the torches and moving by touch alone , eyes straining in the swirling gas , tensed for the figures that could be the fleeing enemy — or Lawton and Silk falling back .
7 Any extinguishing agent which develops its effects in the same direction must be capable of overtaking the flame front if it is to have an acceptable limiting influence on potential damage .
8 The range in the latter direction seemed to be closer , and some of the highest peaks were capped with what looked like snow .
9 Keep the hips in the same direction throughout the manoeuvre .
10 His rapport with the Wagner household comes across vividly from letters to Rohde in the late summer of 1869 : " Just recently I 've paid four visits there in quick succession and a letter takes wing in the same direction almost every week " ; " On the visit before last , during the night , a baby boy called Siegfried was born .
11 Mandy was peering through the binoculars with the intensity of an army scout who had just discovered the enemy , and with a defeated sigh Charity let her own gaze drift in the same direction .
12 If competing ideas all point in the same direction , the politicians follow .
13 I will take an example where all the methods can be used , and where all point in the same direction , so that the answer is probably correct .
14 So in this case the different sources of evidence all point in the same direction , whether derived from a detailed consideration of the way the trilobite is constructed , or by analogy with living animals with similar adaptations , or from the evidence of the rocks or the distribution of the fossils .
15 So , the economic , philosophical and biological criticism of Marxism all point in the same direction : that though ‘ muddled Mr Owen ’ was , of course , wrong in supposing that sweet reasonableness and an appeal to the best in human nature would , following the organisation into general unions of workers in productive industry , enable them to take control of it ; and further , by thus reconstituting society as an industrial democracy , remove its evils and usher in an era of plenty and universal happiness , he was not wrong because a clear-sighted Mr Marx 's alternative was right .
16 This is the explanation of why we observe that the thermodynamic and cosmological arrows of time point in the same direction .
17 The Austrian Habsburgs had made efforts in the same direction from the end of the sixteenth century , when the custom developed of sending with each internuncio to Constantinople a small number of boys ( Sprachknabe ) to learn Turkish .
18 Given V , all changes in M must be associated with changes in PY in the same direction .
19 Do beans always curl around sticks in the same direction ? she wondered .
20 Nevertheless , Benelux did advance further than other proposals for economic union , such as that toyed at in 1945 and again in 1948 by France and Italy , and perhaps it offered valuable lessons that could be learnt by future attempts in the same direction .
21 As a movement in the same direction the German foreign office set up a legal and commercial department in 1885 and the British one acquired a legal adviser in 1893 ( a post of Legal Assistant Under-Secretary had already been created in 1876 ) .
22 As the matter spirals into the black hole , it would make the black hole rotate in the same direction , causing it to develop a magnetic field rather like that of the earth .
23 Other methods of control , once considerable , such as the power to control the appointment and removal of principal officials were largely removed by the Local Government Act 1972 , with further moves in the same direction in the Local Government , Planning and Land Act , 1980 .
24 Pin , then machine the tape in place , making sure you stitch the top and bottom row in the same direction .
25 Finally , many of the issues in pragmatics have arisen historically from this particular vantage point , and to understand them one must at least at first approach from the same direction .
26 She had approached the pool from the same direction as I had , and , evidently disturbed by me , had crossed the water and gone into the dense tree and scrub jungle on the right-hand side of the glade .
27 All of the other large cities had trends in the same direction , albeit on a less dramatic scale .
28 His company was ‘ simply giving a push in the same direction . ’
29 However , I shall argue that it is only when they do point in the same direction that conditions are suitable for the development of intelligent beings who can ask the question : why does disorder increase in the same direction of time as that in which the universe expands ?
30 Or in other words , why does disorder increase in the same direction of time as that in which the universe expands ?
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