Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] does n't come " in BNC.

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1 A durium skullsheath does n't come cheap .
2 But the cutting edge does n't come cheap .
3 I said , people that knock at the door and say , the taxi 's ready the taxi man does n't come and do it .
4 The 216-room , five-star Caledonian Hotel , housing UK and Irish delegates , charges £225 for a room with view of castle and its Pompadour restaurant does n't come cheap : a starter of pan-fried foie gras costs £22 .
5 Ha the information that we 've put out so far were our second reprint of the er of the black booklet of which there 'll be twelve thousand , they are quite an expensive item and , but our feeling was that er in order to sell the thing you 've got to do it properly and er spending money does n't come easily but er er in order to market the thing er thought that was the , the way to go and we 've done other things , stickers and badges and posters and so on and so forth , the normal sort of things but we 've really tried to spread these around the country and get the message that it 's a vibrant young er interesting fun thing to be involved in for young people .
6 Sex appeal does n't come into it , but femininity certainly does . ’
7 And where a boot is where only the booty bit comes out the , the , the glass window does n't come up as well .
8 The inter-continental training exercise does n't come cheap .
9 He was getting into his sleeping-bag when he yelled , ‘ Oh , I 've burnt my bum today … and if that fish and chip wagon does n't come I 'll tell him what he can do with ‘ em .
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