Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] for a particular " in BNC.

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1 And if skills associated with the new technology are specific to a particular occupation rather than to a firm , why should either employer or employee prefer a long-term contract with one employer rather than a consultancy contract for a particular piece of work ?
2 The selection of a building contract for a particular project is unfortunately often left too late to allow proper consideration of matching the contract to the job .
3 There are many examples of these intermediate works , such as a specialized accounting system for a particular type of business , builders ' estimating systems , or a music synthesizer designed to produce music from a basic framework of notes entered by the user and expert systems .
4 One way of doing this would be to provide multipurpose teams dealing with all aspects of Council Tax for a particular geographic area .
5 The control was actually mounted where it is in anticipation that the unit might be used at a fixed voltage output for a particular purpose .
6 Although most archives encourage the crossing of disciplinary boundaries by researchers it is sometimes useful to set up a specialist unit for a particular group of researchers within the umbrella of a generalist archive .
7 This idea of type section for a particular stratigraphical division will be discussed in a later chapter ; all I must say here is that no type section known to me can possibly pretend to be representative of a whole unit of the stratigraphical column , however small .
8 It stresses the need for one agency , voluntary or statutory , to be given a clear lead role for a particular service or project development .
9 Erm , Mr Brighton was was critical of the County Council in just using the residual method to determine the size of the new settlement , er and then in in backing up that justification erm referred to work that is included in in Barton Willmore 's proof , I 've I have read this survey work quite carefully , and my understanding of it is is that erm by un undertaking a survey of settlements in the county , they have established , albeit f f f for information purposes only , a population threshold for a particular type of service , erm , in in the North Yorkshire context , erm the implication I I understand from that is is that that is being used to justify a fourteen hundred figure or or whatever it is to achieve the level of services that would would be required for a a balanced integrated community to use the words for the guidance .
10 A communal approach over a broader socio-economic field is required if a rural development strategy for a particular area , community or settlement is to be established .
11 Alternatively , a break-clause may be exercisable on the happening of an uncertain event ; for example , if a dangerous structure notice is served or if planning permission for a particular use is refused .
12 The implication of this is that any policy proposal for a particular industry can only be made after an investigation of not only the structure of the industry , but also of the objectives and conduct of the firms within it .
13 Erm , er , the funding for that project which I understand has a total cost in excess of a hundred and sixty thousand pounds , has been met from a variety of sources , er , primarily local , but with a contribution from the County Council through the Leisure Services Committee , and also through the Resources Management sub-committee , and in a , indirect sense , in that the , the , the land transferred to the County Council from the District Council for a particular sum , when the project did n't go ahead , the land went back to the District , and had appreciated in value in the intervening time .
14 The rate equation is a statement relating the rate of a reaction at a fixed temperature to the concentration of the reacting species by means of a rate constant and indices known as the where k = rate constant for a particular temperature m = order of the reaction w.r.t .
15 How does the discourse analyst decide which discourse subjects to include in the presupposition pool for a particular piece of conversational discourse ?
16 Such a map of predicted pollution concentrations reveals whether the proposed emission control programme will result in compliance with the air quality standard for a particular pollutant or group of pollutants .
17 Once set up , you may not change the value given to LIFESPAN as the Storage Directory for a particular Charge Code .
18 Restricted-use versus unrestricted-use : credit is either advanced for one particular restricted use which the lender can control ( anything from an HP agreement for a particular purpose ) .
19 As a first attempt we have tried to calculate this from the mean letter width for a particular writer , which can be obtained from the raw x-coordinate data for the script at training time .
20 No company , after all , is better equipped to design a jamming device for a particular missile than the company that made the missile in the first place .
21 In cases where the home country has a small share of world trade for a particular commodity , and the partner country and the rest of the world have a large share , the home country can import the commodity at a constant price i.e. the import supply curve is horizontal .
22 So I would venture to suggest that if I 'm interviewing you as the Environmental Health Officer for a particular council on a council matter , then I would expect you to only speak on behalf of the council — unless I asked you whether your professional body was happy with your council 's policy .
23 And it tells you the normal plug rating for a particular appliance .
24 The owners of steelworks would contract with a master craftsman for a particular job to be done at a particular price .
25 He would discover that the report advocates the grouping of pupils according to ability in many circumstances , in order to place the pupil in a specific ability group for a particular purpose as that is a more flexible device for teaching older children in a number of subjects .
26 Under the scheme , International Software purchases software for a particular company , negotiates and manages licence agreements with software vendors , then maintains , distributes , and installs the programs as required .
27 The spot yield for a particular term to maturity is the same as the yield on a zero-coupon bond of the same maturity ( hence the alternative name ) .
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