Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] pay [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You 've used , er , er , an underspend from this year rolled over , but you have n't increased the base budget to pay for the projection costs which came from erm , this year 's budget .
2 So er I mean you can actually say to your children , well okay you know if I , we die tomorrow in a road accident , there 'd be a liability to tax , erm and say the estate 's worth two hundred thousand , then fifty thousand would be liable to tax at forty pence in the pound , so there 'd be twenty thousand pound debt to pay to the revenue .
3 In some countries the percentage tax paid on the first slice of taxable income is quite low , say 15 per cent , and rises steadily as income rises .
4 Hundred and fifty thousand pounds is the exempt limit so there 's no inheritance tax to pay on the death of the survivor .
5 This was incorporated in the separation allowance paid to the wives of men in the armed forces .
6 The broadcasting levy paid to the Government rose a third to £4.8m .
7 I think she undoubtedly added to the intrigue erm and difficulties of her court , erm one example , she was always getting people that she approved of , getting them plum jobs , and one example was one of the governors of Oxford , the most unpopular , one Sir Arthur Aston , who was so unpopular that he got attacked on the street , and then had to have a body guard paid for the city council , and then was curvetting on his horse in front of some ladies , and fell off and broke his leg so badly that he had to have it amputated , so from then on he had a wooden leg , erm that meant he had to stop being governor , and later on in the war , a countryman was coming into Oxford , and asked the sentinel ‘ who was governor still ’ , and by that time a friend of prince Rupert 's Sir William Leg was governor , and the answer was ‘ one Leg ’ , and the countryman 's reply was ‘ pox on him , is he governor still ? ’ .
8 This excellent result meant that the final cash dividend paid for the year ended 31st March 1993 was £0.5 million , compared with the £13.2 million which would have been payable if all shareholders had received the cash dividend .
9 Vendors would do well to remember the principle illustrated in Finney Lock Seeds Ltd v Mitchell ( George ) ( Chesterhall ) Ltd [ 1983 ] 1 All ER 108 in that the damages incurred and awarded ( in that case nearly £100,000 ) can be far in excess of the purchase price paid for the assets ( in that case approximately £100 ) if the loss is a consequence of a defective asset .
10 Anglia Polytechnic University paid for the trip to Bilogora .
11 FALLEN property tycoon Michael Kelly is having his £307,000 mortgage paid by the DSS .
12 The SMMT is also unhappy about the amount of motor tax paid by the motor industry and motorists .
13 The £50,000 is deemed to be a capital payment paid to the settlor as being paid or applied by the trustees for the benefit of the settlor .
14 Under TA 1988 , s677(10) there shall be treated as a capital sum paid to the settlor by the trustees of the settlement any sum which is paid by them to a third party at the settlor 's direction or by virtue of the assignment by him of his right to receive it or is otherwise paid or applied by the trustees for the benefit of the settlor and which would not otherwise be treated as a capital sum paid to the settlor .
15 Under TA 1988 , s677(10) there shall be treated as a capital sum paid to the settlor by the trustees of the settlement any sum which is paid by them to a third party at the settlor 's direction or by virtue of the assignment by him of his right to receive it or is otherwise paid or applied by the trustees for the benefit of the settlor and which would not otherwise be treated as a capital sum paid to the settlor .
16 There are provisions dealing with the repayment of loans paid to the settlor. ( a ) Loans paid off Where the capital sum paid to the settlor is a sum paid by way of loan and the whole of that loan is repaid , no part of that sum shall be treated as the settlor 's income for any year of assessment after that in which the repayment occurs ( TA 1988 , s677(4) ( a ) ) .
17 ( b ) Repeated loans Where the capital sum paid to the settlor is a sum paid by way of loan , then if one or more capital sums have previously been paid to the settlor by way of loan and wholly repaid , the amount of that capital sum shall be treated as equal to its excess ( if any ) over so much of the sum or sums previously paid as had already fallen to be treated as his income by virtue of s677(1) ( TA 1988 , s677(4) ( b ) ) .
18 ( c ) Repayment of loans from settlors Where the capital sum paid to the settlor is a sum paid by way of complete repayment of a loan , then , if an amount not less than the sum is thereafter lent by the settlor to the trustees of the settlement , no part of that sum shall by virtue of TA 1988 , s677(1) be treated as his income for any year of assessment after that in which the further loan is made ( TA 1988 , s677(5) ) .
19 " Capital sum " for these purposes has the same meaning as in s677. ( b ) Associated payments In relation to any capital sum paid to the settlor by a body corporate the expression " associated payment " means : ( i ) any capital sum paid to that body by the trustees of the settlement ; and ( ii ) any other sum paid or asset transferred to that body by those trustees which is not paid or transferred for full consideration in money or money 's worth being a sum paid or asset transferred in the five years ending or beginning with the date on which the capital sum is paid to the settlor ( s678(3) ) .
20 Total funding for economic development projects in Liverpool for one year through the Urban Programme was less than Unemployment Benefit paid in the city in one week .
21 Another another point of confusion , he said , was that in the past the sewerage charge paid to the water authority was included in the rent book in the figure ‘ for general services ’ which was apart from the amount for ‘ water services ’ , he said .
22 If Britain guarantees that the Hong Kong government 's financial reserves will be above a certain level come 1997 , and if the airport 's costs are below a certain level , and if Hong Kong neither raises taxes nor issues debt to pay for the airport , and if China has a say not just on the airport but also on other franchises Hong Kong grants and , come to think of it , on other ‘ important ’ matters — if all that is conceded , then Hong Kong can have its airport .
23 Royalties paid to Iran were lower than the taxes Anglo-Iranian paid to the British government , and the company kept most skilled jobs for British expatriates .
24 This is in spite of the lip service paid to the proud independence of the States .
25 The video is a shoddy deal , though , with muffled sound and only lip service paid to the Mother Of All Rockumentaries from which it takes its title .
26 During the uneasy alliance following ‘ Bloody Mary 's ’ marriage into the Spanish royal family , some Spanish ships carrying gold bullion to pay for the upkeep of their garrisons in the Netherlands had taken refuge from French privateers in these two Cornish ports .
27 Currently , a Home Office grant pays for the schemes ' managers and co-ordinators .
28 The interest rate paid on the first tranche of capital direct from the Treasury , at 5¼ per cent , was the highest they had ever paid .
29 This judgement , which is typical of how Community law should be applied , is the second occasion in the Greek legal system upon which Community equality law has been overtly applied by the SCC ( two previous judgements , Nos 657 and 658 of the same year , applied Article 119 of the Treaty in a sex discrimination case concerning a family allowance paid by the employer and also interpreted the equal pay principle of the Greek Constitution in the light of Article 119 ) .
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