Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [verb] a series " in BNC.

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1 The wide angle X-ray diffraction patterns obtained from pastes of either artificial granules of PHB-rich whole cells of Alcaligenes eutrophus show only an amorphous halo , whereas crystalline PHB powder gives a series of sharp peaks ( Fig. 1 ) .
2 Next weekend the county 's Schools and Industry Association runs a series of workshops during a two-day business education partnership conference .
3 Now , as before , the industrial heartland in and around the Rhine-Ruhr area bore the heaviest brunt of the attacks , as British Bomber Command launched a series of forty-three major raids in the ‘ Battle of the Ruhr ’ between March and July 1943 .
4 The Echo investigation highlighted a series of The new proposals from the Health and Safety Executive were revealed in a letter sent to Mrs Kennedy by junior Employment Minister Patrick McLoughlin .
5 The Echo investigation highlighted a series of deaths caused by carbon monoxide poisoning from faulty gas fires .
6 This turned out to be a straightforward problem to address by classical neurophysiological methods , and from then on the research strategy involved a series of reductive steps .
7 In March and early April , the closing weeks of the dry season , the forces of Cambodia 's Phnom Penh-based government launched a series of successful offensives using tanks and heavy artillery , reportedly recapturing most of the 3,240 sq km of territory in western Cambodia hitherto held by guerrilla forces of the tripartite coalition government-in-exile .
8 The London , Brighton and South Coast Railway built a series of sedate two-storey Italianate villas along the Sussex coast .
9 In April and May parliament approved a series of measures intended to prepare the ground for the new economic structure .
10 The mycologist Roland Thaxter at Harvard University began a series of monographs on the Laboulbeniales in the 1890s , a study that ended only with his death in 1932 .
11 Nevertheless , by the mid 1950s , independent research confirmed Haagen-Smit 's findings and ranked vehicle exhaust emission as the principal contributor to Los Angeles smog , even though the motor vehicle industry issued a series of findings between 1954 and 1959 which added confusion to the debate and caused a delay in the introduction of vehicle control measures .
12 A council investigation uncovered a series of defects at the Dolphin Centre including weaknesses in the internal and external walls and distortion of aluminium panels in the pitched roof .
13 A council investigation uncovered a series of defects including weaknesses in the mortar and brickwork on external walls ; distortion of aluminium panels on the pitched roof ; and weakness in the internal walls .
14 The effect of these gradients s to cause the nuclear magnetic resonance signal to form a series of spin echoes .
15 In 1989 the Audit Commission published a series of documents on the local government dimension of urban regeneration and economic development .
16 In response the Hrawi government introduced a series of new measures against Aoun on July 28 , including a strict embargo on fuel supplies into his Beirut enclave .
17 In 1940 , before the Germans began to apply pressure , the Vichy government implemented a series of laws to bar Jews from positions of influence , excluding them from the judiciary , the civil and military service , teaching , and the media .
18 The new Rao government introduced a series of reform measures in July aimed at tackling India 's economic crisis .
19 In July and August of 1980 , the Duarte regime introduced a series of decree laws restricting all trade union activities : public employees were forbidden to strike and major public sectors were simply conscripted by decree into the armed forces and placed under military discipline .
20 Last month he was hauled before the management committee of the British Judo Association to explain a series of criticisms he had made in The Independent after the poor British results at the European Championships in Helsinki last May .
21 In a speech that echoed Norman Tebbit 's infamous call to people to get on their bikes , Roads Minister Robert Key announced a series of measures designed to encourage more people to cycle .
22 Meanwhile , the UN Security Council passed a series of resolutions ( Resolutions 660-665 ) , including the imposition of mandatory sanctions against Iraq .
23 The drainage channel has cut into the millstone grit to form a series of pools , boulder-chokes , staircases and several cascades and rocky steps — one of which is particularly steep and offers excellent scrambling on rough , textured gritstone ; a damp cleft on the left offers a let-out .
24 The former TV sports host predicted a series of natural disasters .
25 Today 's court case followed a series of visits by health officers to the Sheraton Tandoori in Wolverton , Milton Keynes , between January and March this year .
26 Arthur Child wrote a series of articles between 1941 and 1947 on various philosophical aspects of the sociology of knowledge ( Child 1941a ; 1941b ; 1942 ; 1944 ; 1947 ) .
27 The policy and resources committee backed a series of measures including arranging free glass etching sessions and regular monitoring of security and lighting at the council 's car parks .
28 The eastern regional news programme includes a series of short features screened on the last Wednesday of each month .
29 Not only was he shaken and upset by the accident , but , worse for him , his favourite race car suffered severe damage on a day when the Marlboro McLaren Honda team endured a series of setbacks to their own hopes .
30 The Society 's Careers and Recruitment Service ran a series of workshops , attended by over 350 candidates , giving advice on improving application forms , and interview techniques .
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