Example sentences of "[noun] gaze [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 But on this day , an unusually cloudless Sunday late in October , I had travelled from Cornwall ; the train was two hours late , and I rushed , humping my case , past the mute crowds gazing up at the information board , towards the taxi rank .
2 The ducks gazed thoughtfully at the sky and flapped their wings , but not so much as a peep was uttered by any of them .
3 Do n't these people realise that dozens of reviewers are likely to spend several hours gazing blankly at the album sleeve as they try to come up with some natty simile to describe the musical contents therein ?
4 ‘ It 's my fault , ’ he said later when she was sitting up , her eyes gazing blankly at the opposite wall .
5 Bernice gazed stupidly at the engineer .
6 ‘ I 've never eaten them , ’ Richard gazed up at the man , his clear chestnut eyes , starry with their thick lashes , open wide as he judged the amount of pathos necessary to achieve his aim .
7 The Sphinx of Giza gazed down at the red velvet couch .
8 Zach gazed round at the tiny wooden bed under the eaves .
9 Sylvie gazed out at the eternity of blue and took a long , deep breath .
10 The President gazed thoughtfully at the two dispatches lying on his desk .
11 As the sun begins to set , I drive along Vermont gazing up at the eerie silhouettes of young Korean men armed with M-16s , machine pistols and infra-red binoculars .
12 Jane gazed up at the towering bulk .
13 Zen gazed up at the shelves loaded with rows of books as uniform as bricks .
14 Fitzormonde gazed up at the cruel gargoyle faces on the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula .
15 Katherine gazed out at the empty Manhattan streets .
16 The Literary Lionisers gazed up at the most splendid Norman keep in England .
17 Pooley gazed fixedly at the table .
18 Finally , from within psychoanalytical criticism but from outside the Anglo-American paradigm , Gertrud Koch has drawn attention to a different theorisation of the gaze , one that does not link it to voyeuristic ( peeping through the keyhole ) pleasure but rather to the earlier , pre-symbolic stage in which the small child gazes openly at the world and at its mother : ‘ We may in fact owe the invention of the camera not to the keyhole but to the baby-carriage ’ .
19 Settling himself in one of the big , shabby armchairs , Tug gazed suspiciously at the television screen and waited for a picture to appear .
20 Leon gazed intently at the line of adolescent faces .
21 Detective Chief Inspector John McLeish gazed doubtfully at the plate before him .
22 Then he turned and stood for a while gazing out at the Pacific .
23 They walked towards the castle , and Jessamy gazed up at the towers and battlements , and the great walls that loomed above them .
24 I was dragged out of the cave , through the waterfall , to lie on my back gazing up at the fast-moving clouds in the blue sky ; and I thought to myself , Those clouds are free , just as I was until now .
25 This was all quite accepted , but he could n't rid himself of the memory of his wife gazing blankly at the breakfast table with only the prospect of clearing it .
26 He walked up the hill near the farm and then reaching the summit gazed down at the farmhouse .
27 Allowing herself a moment of pity , Theodora gazed down at the vulnerable sleeping figure .
28 Tuppe gazed up at the crumbling façade .
29 And as the ship freed herself from the mule-lines and her screw began to chum up a wake of umber , sludgy water , and she picked up speed towards the marker buoys and the farewell beacon on Flamenco Island , I was sure I could see the seamen still , pointing their cameras back — now with long lenses all — towards the statue of Balboa which stands on the Panama City seafront , with the great man gazing out at the Ocean into which the Poles were now , at long last , sailing .
30 WITH bulging eyes and pounding heart , the young speed-lover gazes admiringly at the object of his desire .
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