Example sentences of "[noun] attend [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have an important function to attend in a few days ’ time .
2 Foreign Affairs Minister U Ohn Gyaw and other officials participated in a ceremony attended by the regional representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) , David Delapraz , on Aug. 24 , when Myanma signed four 1949 Geneva conventions on humanitarian treatment of civilians and military personnel in time of war .
3 Mauritania , still in dispute with Senegal , was not represented by its head of state , and there was no delegation from Nigeria , which had been represented in Casablanca in December 1988 [ p. 36717 ] ; however , President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda attended for the first time .
4 In this case it can include a requirement in the order that he comply with the supervisor 's directions to attend at a specified place to participate in specified activities either with or without the child ( para 3(1) ( c ) ( 2 ) ) .
5 The total prize money this year was £4,700 which included £600 to the school of architecture attended by the winning entrant .
6 Walking into the ISDN User Show at Wembley , North London the other day , the first four stands belonged to communications magazines : cynics might see this as evidence that the technology is still at the hype and talk stage , but most exhibitors seemed pleased by the degree to which visitors ' questions had progressed past the ‘ what is ISDN anyway ’ stage to the ‘ how much does this box cost ’ phase ; some 900 visitors attended on the first day , the second seemed rather busier and at some of the conference sessions , notably British Telecommunications Plc 's ‘ where are we now ’ presentation , it was standing room only …
7 Wounds only heal , and W loss is only stopped , if magical healing is used or if a character with the Heal Wounds skill spends at least 3 rounds attending to the bleeding character .
8 The failure to attend to the Palestinian problem was put aside as Israel stood its ground with dignity .
9 In a pre-scheduled address to an international banking conference attended by the Czech and Slovak finance ministers where he was to have delivered a lecture on setting up direct sales operations in Eastern Europe , Kontrax president Gabor Dixco told an embarrassed audience that the global recession , poor financial management and lack of support from the banks were to blame for the company 's collapse .
10 Habash invited those parties serious about reaching a " just and comprehensive solution " to hold an international conference attended by the permanent members of the UN Security Council and other parties concerned " including the PLO " .
11 Taking part were the Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers of the five states ( with Deputy Premier Claudio Martelli standing in for Italian Premier Giulio Andreotti ) ; observers attended from the European Commission , the World Bank , the European Investment Bank and the new European Bank for Reconstruction and Development .
12 On May 17 Chamlong denounced Suchinda as a dictator at a rally in Sanam Luang Square attended by an estimated 150,000 people .
13 It is thought unlikely that he will appear at an event attended by the international Press .
14 Why do a further 30% attend on the specific recommendation of ‘ former ’ clients ?
15 When pigeons attend to a discrete stimulus , it is suggested , they are also likely to peck at it .
16 Geoffrey supported his wife 's cause with vigour , but with two sets of lands to administer , Geoffrey attended to the French territories while Matilda went to uphold her claims to the queenship of England .
17 The county court , often in the person of the chief clerk , will arrange for the debtor to attend for an oral examination as to his means , The debtor 's answers are recorded and signed , becoming the basis of a realistic payment order by instalments in many cases .
18 A team existed before this as in February of the same year there was held at the Institute a cricket concert attended by a large audience .
19 Prime Minister Bufi spoke at a rally for Baker attended by a jubilant crowd packing Skanderbeg Square .
20 A 71 year old asymptomatic woma attended for a routine day case screening duodenoscopy using a side viewing video endoscope ( Olympus EVIS JFV10 ) .
21 Compared with the Privy Council of Elizabeth 's reign it was a large body : 183 councillors attended during the twenty-five years of the reign and sometimes more than forty were present at a single meeting .
22 The town council arranged the funeral and the guild members attended in a secondary role .
23 After the usual pleasantries he took Mark along one of the labyrinth of corridors flanked with busts of the famous , and stopped before a heavy oak-panelled door attended by a liveried usher .
24 Electronic man attending to the high singing voices from another star that compliment him , soothe him , accept his duty .
25 The Chairman , , welcomed and presented certificates to three newly qualified teachers attending for the first time .
26 Lithuania 's President Vytautas Landsbergis attended for the first time on June 12 a meeting of the USSR Council of the Federation , comprising the Presidents of the 15 union republics ( previously he had refused to participate on the grounds that he was the head of a foreign state ) .
27 In Manchester , Jomo Kenyatta attended to the preliminary work .
28 Normally anyone who receives an award in an Honours List attends on a particular day at the Palace when Her Majesty confers them wholesale .
29 The Fates were thought cruel , for they paid no heed to human suffering and were usually depicted as old and ugly women attended by the shadowy Nemesis , goddess of the inevitable .
30 He found them a quarrelsome lot , patronizing though kind to a provincial , giving him opportunities to address large crowds , but leaving him time to attend to the new NAS&FU branches which developed as a result of the strike .
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