Example sentences of "[noun] place on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Partly due to the ban placed on the authors ' disclosing anything about ‘ intelligence techniques ’ ( p. x ) , which has been rigidly enforced .
2 The General Product Safety Directive ( 92/59/EEC ) is designed to ensure that products placed on the market in member states are safe for consumers to use .
3 For Adam Smith in 1776 , laying down the philosophical system which was to become the ideological underpinning of the market economy , they were the greatest obstruction placed on the movement of labour for they affected even common labour , while the regulations of guilds and corporations restricted the movement only of artisans .
4 Head up into the wind with most of the weight placed on the back foot and a low crouched position .
5 All unary operations ( such as negate ) are performed on the top element of the stack , and binary operations are performed on the top two elements of the stack ( after which they are removed ) and the result placed on the top of the stack .
6 Each team lines up behind tape placed on the floor .
7 This is partly due to higher rates and premises costs and to the London weighting in salaries , and partly because of the extra demands placed on the education service by inner-city characteristics , such as high unemployment , widespread poverty and a greater diversity of cultures and languages .
8 Module headers are the key feature of LIFESPAN operation and the only direct requirement placed on the software it stores .
9 In a last effort to rally organised political support behind a demand for an inquiry , I had the Black issue placed on the agenda of a wellattended meeting of the Assembly members of the United Ulster Unionist Council .
10 At their busiest , the annual case load of tribunals exceeded 300,000 cases , though this has now stabilized at around 150,000 cases a year as a result of limitations placed on the rights of appeal under the income support and social fund scheme introduced in April 1988 .
11 But he said the full programme has had to be reduced because of spending limitations placed on the council 's housing budget .
12 Some of the limitations placed on the cast stemmed directly from the immediate and mass popularity Doctor Who enjoyed almost from its first week on air .
13 By contrast , the majority of English Jacobites desired a conditional restoration of James II , with firm guarantees for the security of the Protestant religion and certain limitations placed on the power of the Crown .
14 On March 3 the Palestinian delegation expanded on the self-government proposal placed on the table by them at the third round of talks held in Washington in January [ see p. 38740 ] .
15 What the James Committee placed on the agenda of public discussion — even though its own recommendations were in general not widely popular among teacher educators — was the reshaping of the education of teachers .
16 The high costs placed on the licensee to retune millions of domestic VCRs and satellite receivers , plus a 30 per cent original programming starting base , is expected to deter a number of bidders .
17 On June 9 a bomb placed on the roof of the headquarters of the Honourable Artillery Company in London injured 17 civilians , mainly students , who were attending a 21st birthday party there .
18 Structures such as buildings placed on the surface will collapse at this stage .
19 A further form of regulation is the operation of monetary policy , which may affect financial institutions , either through direct portfolio controls , as with the corset placed on the banks in the 1970s , or through interest rates which affect the environment in which financial institutions operate .
20 The central position of language , the devaluing of the biographical element , the notion of a science of literature , and the importance placed on the deviation from the norm constitute some of the main recurrent features of literary theory from Jakobson to Barthes .
21 Such was the importance placed on the result by the players themselves that team manager Sue Mappin felt she was able to describe the win as a ‘ huge boost ’ .
22 This four-year course is characterized by its practical nature with attention placed on the application of knowledge as well as on theoretical concepts .
23 Referring to the burden which subsidies placed on the state budget , Ben Ali said that " we can no longer do nothing in the face of the growth of the compensation costs , which alone absorb one-quarter of state expenditure " .
24 We are heartened , however , by the emphasis the Court placed on the need for proper consultation with the Law Society before such significant decisions are taken .
25 The disadvantages placed on the industry mean that it costs our farmers 5p a dozen more to produce eggs .
26 But there was an important difference , not only in the primacy of stress placed on the doctrine of non-resistance , but also in the fact that the concept of resistance upon breach of contract nowhere entered the language of Tory limited non-resistance .
27 This report is interesting for the stress placed on the subservience of the NKLP to the Kremlin :
28 Some of the containers placed on the sips contain valuables , others are empty .
29 This is certainly true , but it underlines what many consider has been the undue emphasis placed on the PSBR in the government 's policy making .
30 Particular emphasis placed on the problems of regulating and supervising financial conglomerates within the existing national regulatory framework .
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