Example sentences of "[noun] stay [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The two kids stayed by the doors , necking .
2 He remembered Woil staying by the bench and the litter bin where the Men could reach him .
3 And then we would get the evangelists staying for a fortnight at a time , holding services every night asking people to come forward and rededicate themselves .
4 That the mini bell does not carry a tender , and the standby diver stays on the surface , caused a dispute among diving contractors .
5 Six Broadstairs matrons attempting to shop at Marchesi 's the confectioners , two errand boys buying bloaters from Mr Goodman the fishmonger , a few afternoon revellers strolling out from the Dolphin Inn and an eager group from the Tourist Cycling Club staying at the Balmoral Bijou Hotel found themselves swept along with the crowd as they pursued their leaders down Harbour Street under the ancient York Gate ( which being without specific Dickensian associations hardly received a glance ) .
6 The animals stay in the dip for the statutory full minute and the dip is emptied , in 22 seconds , through a filter back to the tanker .
7 contentious editor of the Tory Eatanswill Gazette , married to the domineering Mrs Pott , with whom Pickwick and Winkle stay during the Eatanswill election ; he and Slurk of the Independent are obsessed by their rivalry in print , and on one occasion come to blows , afterwards resolving that their ‘ deadly hostilities ’ shall be fought out only in their papers .
8 Stay in the car stay with the car and put these erm , motorists lights on .
9 Jerry 's eyes stay with the sway of the beer , like a starving dog .
10 They have temporary visas for six months to stay in the UK .
11 Big movies , like TV series , help talent to stay in the city despite the pull of West Coast work ; they keep the city alive .
12 After more skirmishes , a compromise was reached which allowed for Liesl to stay with the Wynnes until her real mother was able to care for her .
13 She seemed happy , though , and announced her intention to stay in the forest with her new family .
14 Lastly , it should not be beyond the capacity of the SNBTS ( undoubtedly the most efficient in Britain and , therefore , quite possibly the world ) to devise a system whereby those who wish their blood to stay with the NHS can be satisfied .
15 Edward stayed in the Engineers for a bit , then came out and was not very successful in finding a job to suit him .
16 Whilst in Wroxeter , Richard stayed in the home of Sir Richard ( later Lord ) Newport , and attended school with his sons .
17 But I used it as little as I could , though if the wind stayed in the south-west I thought I 'd probably have to use it for the later part of today 's outing .
18 Como soon discovered that it was in the nature of winners to enjoy their winnings , as Barbarossa stayed in the north in an attempt to subjugate all the city states .
19 Morthen stayed by the door .
20 The race went on , and the other two Mercedes cars stayed in the race .
21 Corbett stayed in the castle the rest of the day , wandering about , looking for any place he could sit and quietly meditate on all he knew .
22 Once inside the priory walls Corbett stayed near the gate , demanding the fellow go and bring Lady Amelia down to meet them .
23 After the match , about 8,000 City fans stayed in the ground for 15 minutes .
24 Not a single holding in their sample remained in the same family name between 1600 and 1700 and only 2 freeholds and 1 copyhold stayed in the possession of the same family during this century even if allowance is made for inheritance through a female line .
25 ‘ Did her parents stay in the flat with her ? ’
26 Keep close watch on the stitches , it is worth working a little slower to make sure that all the stitches have knitted and should you find that an occasional loop stays over the needle after knitting the row , set the main carriage for EMPTY and move it across the knitting to knit any unworked loop .
27 There were four of them so there was as much chance of the average Girl staying at the Tiller flat as of getting into Buckingham Palace .
28 Partly because of the reliance of many older married women on their husband 's state pension contributions , the proportion staying in the labour market beyond the age of 60 has remained fairly high ( between a quarter and a fifth , compared with 8 per cent of men working beyond the age of 65 ) .
29 Mr Crawshaw replied that there was no lady staying in the house .
30 The single queen stays on the comb , laying eggs in the cells that have been built by the workers to receive them .
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