Example sentences of "[noun] lie at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The gallery , now converted into the main building lies at the south end of the complex .
2 Germany lies at the heart of Europe and thus epitomises it .
3 Policy co-ordination lies at the root of Japan 's financial troubles
4 The job description lies at the heart of good recruitment and selection practice .
5 If you look through all the short stories you know , I think you 'll find that the element of change lies at the bottom of each , like an insistent ground bass .
6 A nice example of sophisticated linguistic play lies at the heart of Cele qui fu foutue et desfoutue : a tale in which a beautiful young woman , locked away in a tower by her jealous father , one day desires to buy a bird ( a crane ) from a young man passing by , and is told it will cost a foutre , a " fuck " .
7 The assimilation of moderate levels of complexity into higher levels of orderliness lies at the heart of Smith 's aesthetic , in which excitement is generated by complexity whilst delight results from the apprehension of an overriding sense of order .
8 We may even suggest that the theory of contracts presents an ideal terrain for an examination of these fundamental issues of political philosophy , for the law of contract lies at the intersection of the market and the state , using the coercive power of the latter to reinforce the discipline of the former .
9 The systematic blurring of the lines between information , entertainment , and promotion of products lies at the heart of this practice .
10 A simple power struggle lies at the core , one which Mr Yeltsin has three months to resolve .
11 The erm help available is in many ways decreasing erm I 'm afraid we have to drag politics into it sooner or later , but central government funding , or lack of it , erm to my mind lies at the bottom of many of these problems .
12 This dilemma lies at the heart of the ethical choices facing every society as the 20th century draws to a close . ’
13 The issue is whether a civil action for defamation lies at the suit of a corporate public authority .
14 He saw the pig 's bladder lying at the boy 's feet , very similar to the one he had seen two children playing with on Holborn thoroughfare .
15 The port of Ventspils lay at the end of a pipeline which brought Siberian oil for export , providing one-third of Soviet hard-currency income .
16 TWO illusions lay at the heart of Iran-contra .
17 By sheer coincidence Kappa Crucis lies at the edge of the dark nebula known as the Coal Sack .
18 Both focused on minority rights within Yugoslavia , and I entirely agree that that issue lies at the core of the problem within the country .
19 Ours is a democratic country , in which democratic accountability lies at the heart of the relationship between the citizen and the state .
20 That disparity lies at the heart of our opposition to a property tax .
21 Since for many men sexual capacity lies at the root of self-esteem , the chances are high that he will try to find another woman to reassure him .
22 In most cases the ileoanal anastomosis lies at the top of the anal columns and hence the anal transition zone is retained ; however , in patients with polyposis we usually perform a mucosectomy and a sutured anastomosis at the denate line .
23 Class accents lie at the heart of such mimicry , though on the printed page a betraying turn of phrase , or a tell-tale choice of words like ‘ dodgy ’ or ‘ darling ’ , can be represented more easily than an impure vowel .
24 Their post-war reconciliation lay at the heart of its foundations and the Franco-German axis is still its ‘ motor ’ .
25 The letter bearing the Belgian stamp lay at the bottom of the morning 's post .
26 But the party 's MEP , Jim Nicholson , dismissed the claims as ‘ utter nonsense ’ and said the blame lay at the door of the Northern Ireland Office .
27 Questions concerned with access to the curriculum lie at the heart of any whole-school policy .
28 The issues of freedom of conscience and freedom from Roman hegemony lie at the centre of Northern Ireland fundamentalism and are meshed in with its evangelical tenets .
29 Stocked with a Loch Leven strain of brown trout , this excellent game fishery lies at the heart of one of Scotland 's most important nature reserves .
30 Indeed , the symbolic consumption of wine lies at the heart of Christianity , in the form of Communion and Mass .
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