Example sentences of "[noun] continue [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In order to continue to monitor the developments in the English vocabulary from day to day and from year to year , it is essential for the Dictionary Department to continue to collect such quotations .
2 For example , it is argued that former communist officials in the Russian provinces continue to wield much power and are in a position to render executive decisions ineffective .
3 Manufacturers continue to demand more help from the Government in the shape of increased capital allowances ( already raised by Chancellor Nigel Lamont from 25% to 40% in the last Autumn Statement ) , some form of relief from advance corporation tax and cheaper export insurance .
4 In urban areas in Britain , over 37 per cent of all journeys are made door-to-door on foot , yet official data continue to stress that walking only accounts for three per cent of all mileage .
5 Venetian Romanesque architecture was dominated by the city 's eastern contacts and Byzantium continued to have more influence than Lombardy or Pisa .
6 Salmon fishing at Lough Cowey continues to attract many anglers , and Roy McCartney with a brace at 8lb 8ozs and 11lbs , and Paul Foster from Belfast , with a brace at 9lb and 10lb 8ozs did particularly well this week .
7 It seems that monopoles continue to present more problems than they solve .
8 But the County Council still has some longer term debt , not external but internally , that is being paid now and not over time , and so the position actually will not change , so long as the Council continues to have more credit approval than it requires to use the new borrowing .
9 The Membership Committee continues to oversee all aspects of the work of the department .
10 Secondly , the high expectations aroused by civil rights legislation had been disappointed ; the conditions of most blacks continued to show little material improvement .
11 Communists continued to have some success among the unemployed , many of whom felt betrayed by the Labour government and ignored by the TUC .
12 The second half continued to see both teams fighting for supremacy .
13 COSE continues to resist any designation as a group or collective appellation as the COSE companies reportedly because it expects to expand .
14 COSE continues to resist any designation as a group or collective appellation as the COSE companies , ostensibly because it expects to expand its membership .
15 Each of our models continues to provide some insights , although none is wholly adequate .
16 However , according to a Market and Opinion Research International ( MORI ) poll , the Conservatives continued to draw more support from female than from male voters ( Table 5.6 ) .
17 It is my earnest wish that rugby continues to fulfil this role .
18 Although all that is required , where the new husband is acquiring the husband 's interest , is an assignment of the husband 's equitable interest , this is plainly impracticable as neither the new husband nor the wife will wish the husband to continue to have any interest at all in the property .
19 Many of those now hostile to Althusser continue to endorse this essay , which offers a theory of institutional power dependent on the categories of the subject and ideology .
20 The Government of Burma continue to disregard all pressure put upon them , but I am pleased that on 30 November the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on Burma , in which we were co-sponsors , which called for an improvement in the human rights situation and for progress towards democratic government .
21 The all-talking , all-colour films continued to receive more praise than perhaps could have been expected .
22 Atmospheric tests by the United States , the Soviet Union , and the United Kingdom ceased with the signing of the Partial Test-Ban Treaty of 1963 although other countries such as France and China continue to undertake such tests .
23 Chief officers continue to oppose any reform of the present system .
24 Two-thirds of the 90 new fields could in fact be gas producing and , in the view of this study , this is a pre-condition of the UK continuing to supply some 70% of indigenous demand from its own fields .
25 Hippy and student activist continue to recognize each other as allies .
26 Not only is tourism to Israel continuing to increase this year , but the number of Israelis travelling abroad in 1993 is expected to top 900,000 following the lifting last January of a $100 travel tax .
27 As the following sections show , however , case load problems were not as great as predicted ; and although the development officers continued to feel some lack of back-up services they did not consider it a severe impediment to their implementation of the project .
28 Only Israel continued to reject any recognition of the PLO , a position of isolation which was becoming decreasingly defensible .
29 Adenauer 's foreign policy continued to cause some controversy and even to provoke divisions between the CDU and FDP by 1957 .
30 Throughout the social and satiric age of Augustan reason , poets continued to walk that way from time to time , indulging their anti-rational and unsociable propensities for solitude , melancholy , and intense emotion .
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