Example sentences of "[noun] vary [adv] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 The ethnic and religious composition of the force varied greatly according to rank .
2 Individual colleges and institutes vary both according to the proportion of advanced work which they provide and also the types of courses which they offer , depending partly on the nature of the institutions which went to make them up and partly on the way in which they have developed in the past few years .
3 Undoubtedly there are differences in people 's experiences of support between grandparents and grandchildren , but we have so little up-to-date evidence on this issue that it is difficult to say how far such experiences vary systematically according to gender , ethnicity or social class .
4 This has caused the prices of Rembrandt prints to vary significantly according to the date of the impression .
5 However , the pattern varies considerably according to region and social class .
6 The range of benefits given to new employees relocating as a result of accepting a job offer varies widely according to company policy and individuals ' circumstances .
7 Davidoff et al have shown that the Beau Ideal was underpinned by a morality of mutual duty and service , although the benefits and freedom which each participant drew from such an arrangement varied directly according to their position in the hierarchy .
8 Charges vary considerably according to the type of plan you select and the number of different investments you hold within it .
9 Attempts have been made to classify the various ‘ schools ’ of economics and law ; but convenient though these are , it must be borne in mind that the effective use of any interdisciplinary approach varies significantly according to how , where , and why it is being applied .
10 Attitudes to family and children vary considerably according to class , however .
11 The extent to which British administrators depended on them for information varied greatly according to the social composition of the district and the competence of the civil servant in charge .
12 Standard English varies stylistically according to audience , purpose and situation .
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