Example sentences of "[noun] stare at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She told him she was too busy to attend to the matter , whilst the guests gave up all pretence of looking at the pictures to stare at the intruder .
2 And anytime they got in a fix , they called on the children to lift paper masks ( given out free and serving as a programme on the reverse ) to their faces and give a special Care Bear Stare at the stage to overcome Coldheart 's evil intent .
3 He said this last part carefully , his eyes staring at the road ahead .
4 She stretched out her hand to click on the bedside light , checked her watch , then lay back , panic subsiding , her eyes staring at the ceiling while the terrible immediacy of the dream began to fade , recognized for what it was , an old spectre returning after all these years , conjured up by the events of the night and by the reiteration of the word ‘ murder ’ which , since the Whistler had begun Iris work , seemed to murmur sonorously on the very air .
5 The Archon stared at the general .
6 Frankie stared at the floor and tried not to think of all the things he might have done , or failed to do , to cause this latest upset .
7 Lever stared at the parcel a moment , his eyes burning with curiosity , then looked up again , smiling .
8 Billy 's eyes stared at the wad in disbelief .
9 Her head drooped to one side , and her heavy-lidded eyes stared at the ashtray , even though they did not focus on it .
10 Woolley stared at the ambulance , took a couple of paces , stopped and stared again .
11 The reporter signed off , and Kathleen stared at the screen as Jack 's image was replaced by the film that had been running .
12 He laughed wryly , walking over to the window to stare at the view she had enjoyed such a short time before .
13 She even started making other arrangements so she would n't just end up sitting at home staring at the phone and forcing herself not to ring him and say her plans had changed and she was free after all .
14 Chopra stared at the space station , trying to pick up the memories of a past age .
15 Loretta stared at the woman for a moment , thoughts racing through her head .
16 Tapping a ruler across the palm of her hand , Sister Rosario stared at the child for a few seconds .
17 Ellie stared at the painting some more , before she started to explain .
18 Tallis stared at the wood , experiencing the feeling of familiarity .
19 As Rincewind stared at the crowd , with sensations of prickly horror travelling up his spine , there came a gentle prod in the small of his back .
20 Topaz stared at the marquis whose suggestion had left her dumbfounded .
21 Topaz stared at the ring with the huge ruby surrounded by diamonds , her eyes like saucers .
22 Rincewind , Twoflower and Hrun stared at the coin .
23 Lexandro stared at the spider-tattoo which was leering at him , and experienced a flash of déjà vu — a piercing memory of Tundrish in the undercity , unmasking him .
24 Rust stared at the screen .
25 Alan stared at the noticeboard on the opposite wall , pretending to read something but seeing nothing but a blur of the leaflets , notes , scraps of ribbon and withered buttonholes which Lucy had pegged up there .
26 Smallfry walked with him all the way to the playground , where the other children bunched together in little groups to stare at the absentee and his beautiful mother .
27 The Prince shook an admonishing finger at the Rifleman then took out his telescope to stare at the battery of French guns .
28 They were both astonished and Lomas stopped for a moment to stare at the floor .
29 At home , I spent nearly every waking moment staring at the TV .
30 I jumped up on to my bunk and looked at the others sitting around playing cards , arguing with each other or lying on their beds staring at the ceiling .
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