Example sentences of "[noun] believe that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Langdon believed that American determination to resist Soviet expansion in Korea had to be demonstrated and that the current unpopularity of communists in the south should be used to encourage the moderates in north Korea .
2 Spencer believed that social evolution was part of the processes of evolution at large and that societal arrangements were the outcome of natural causes .
3 Carleton believed that hard-line Protestants like himself were the queen 's only reliable subjects , her very ‘ bowels ’ .
4 what did fraud oh Freud believe that most sons wanted to do to their mothers ?
5 ‘ You encourage your readers to believe that one day their prince will come . ’
7 Both speakers believe that active government intervention in the housing market is now urgently needed before things get even worse .
8 Researchers at the Woolwich Centre for Computer Crime Research believe that improved personnel procedures have a key role to play in improving internal controls .
9 Many City pundits believe that new debt to equity ratios indicate how confident companies are about investments .
10 Sue Punton , the senior sister at the hospital 's gerontology department believes that essential oils help geriatric patients in several ways .
11 The outer space committee of the United Nations believes that remote-sensing satellites with a resolution of 25 m could be militarily useful .
12 Jean Jacques Rousseau , famous French philosopher , whose view of human nature , was what I would call optimistic , in the sense that , by contrast to Thomas Hobbes , John Rousseau believed that human beings were basically good .
13 Watkins believed that natural markers were used to set out the ley system .
14 Aristotle believed that strict determinism must be rejected because it destroys the natural basis for distinguishing between voluntary and involuntary actions .
15 Reformers believed that one way of preventing these marriages was to provide clubs with attractive and organized recreational facilities in the hope that ‘ the girl who has her clubs will not need the idle companionship of lads ’ .
16 A married woman with three children , Karen believed that all lovemaking was rape , even when it did n't seem that way to either of the participants .
17 Whereas Herodotus transformed ‘ history ’ ( historia ) from a general enquiry about the world into an enquiry about past events , Thucydides believed that serious history could be concerned only with the present , or the immediate past .
18 Bishop believed that change was essential and reported on his return to Washington that there was undue complacency in Tokyo ; the vested interests in the occupation bureaucracy believed that American dominance in Japan must be continued for a considerable period and Bishop held that tough action would be required in order to transform attitudes and to terminate the occupation .
19 Dieulafoy believed that this lesion was an early stage of peptic ulceration , designating it ‘ Exulceratio simplex ’ .
20 But ministeres believe that custodial sentences would not provide a simple answer .
21 However hard a head or a governing body may try to remain outside the arena of competition , the insistence of parent interests and community awareness and the effect on even the price of houses in a local estate agent 's listings will continue to make sure that parents believe that clever children , as measured in the national assessment , are produced by good schools and by good teachers .
22 Although this involves the use of rather advanced techniques compared with the running of simple transfers and dubs , many enthusiasts believe that this type of editing is essential to the making of ‘ real ’ movies , and look on it as the key creative element in their video activities .
23 Conservatives believe that high standards in education and training are the key to personal opportunity and national success .
24 Such a version of pluralism would assert that pluralists believe that all citizens have a chance to become politically active through individual and group action .
25 The Institute believes that sole practice should continue to be permitted , but with extra safeguards .
26 Notwithstanding the fact that , according to the document , The Future Value of our Qualification , issued at the same time as the Manifesto , the Institute believes that chartered accountants want it to ‘ safeguard the reputation of the profession and to enhance the value of their qualification ’ and ‘ to concentrate on helping them succeed professionally ’ , at the present time practising members are concerned primarily with their practices ' cash flow and profitability , and the threat of litigation .
27 This institute believes that some form of National Statistics Council has a role to play but with the following provisos : 1 .
28 County Council believes that this advice and guidance is synonymous with the view that is taken that development of the open countryside will in fact represent the exception rather than the rule and that new development would not normally be permitted .
29 Given the present public concern about the effectiveness of auditing , the committee believes that appropriate legislation is required as a matter of urgency .
30 Consequently the committee believes that non-executive directors will not be perceived by the public as being independent of the executive directors , hence the need for the audit review panel . ’
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