Example sentences of "[noun] stand at [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In August 1893 , the Vicar writes that funds for the new organ are not coming in very quickly , the funds standing at only £30 711 .
2 Mr Hislop said a fund to raise money from readers stood at about £100,000 .
3 Having taken your bags of donated books from you at the church door last year , you may like to know that despite the awful rain this week , Christian Aid Sale funds stood at around £35K by noon today , so the total should be up on that figure .
4 Customs revenue stood at c. £40,000 per annum in 1509 ; in the last years of Henry VIII 's reign it was still at that figure ; by 1550/51 it had fallen to £26,000 .
5 Bulls stand at about 153cm and weigh an average of 1,200kg , cows 138cm and 700kg .
6 At the beginning of 1991 our work in hand on transportation infrastructure stood at over £730 million and we are currently negotiating many more contracts worldwide .
7 It found 9% support for Irish unity within the Northern Ireland electorate while support among Catholics stood at just 22% ) .
8 A three-tiered espalier stands at about 4ft ; five tiers will reach around 7ft .
9 Large parts of southern and eastern Africa stand at over 1500m yet recent volcanism has been very localized .
10 At the time of writing the appeal total stands at nearly £3,000 but that still means another £14,000 is needed .
11 It is a late-maturing breed and bears a superficial resemblance to the Limousin , whose region is fairly close to that of the Parthenais , but it is larger , bulls standing at about 138cm and weighing on average 1,050kg , and cows 135cm and 775kg .
12 Cash in the bank stands at about £1million , but the company has a £2.6million loan at 10 per cent .
13 The heights he recorded varied from the tiny Shetland bull standing at only 97cm , up to the large , improved Holderness Shorthorn bull at an immense 152cm ( with a record-breaking 168cm in the ox ) .
14 A FUND standing at about £200,000 which was raised to give aid and comfort to homecoming British prisoners after the Second World War is alleged to be growing in direct proportion to the number of old soldiers dying without ever seeing a penny of it .
15 The company frequently exceeded its agreed overdraft limit and , in December 1986 , the debt balance on its account stood at about £57,000 .
16 Today unemployment on those lands stands at around 90% .
17 At the beginning of the 1990s the spot price for uranium stood at under $10/lb , the lowest real price since it became a commodity and $20 below the official floor price for contract sales .
18 Cabra 's shares stand at around 7p and the company have debts of £50 million .
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