Example sentences of "[noun] stand in the way " in BNC.

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1 TIME has run out for the Angus family whose cottage stands in the way of a multi-million pound dual carriageway on the Dundee to Aberdeen road , writes James Rougvie .
2 But this is not a time for personal pride and stubborn resistance to stand in the way of the cold , hard facts of life .
3 In principle , it seems unjust that a homicide conviction should not be possible in such a case , if all the other elements can be established and only the ‘ year and a day ’ rule stands in the way .
4 First : take down the barriers standing in the way of success .
5 He listened silently , simply nodding when she had finished He could never marry her and he had no right to stand in the way of any happiness she could find .
6 Sincerely though I respect the wish of hon. Members on both sides of the House to ensure that their constituents can benefit from access to the channel tunnel — I have no desire to stand in the way of their efforts to make that wish come true — I urge that the interests of my constituents , who will have to put up with untold misery for an extended eight-year period , should be given closer consideration than BR has given them hitherto .
7 In practice , however , such is the scope for self-interest to stand in the way of the smooth running of the firm that the right of any one partner to veto some proper alteration should be excluded .
8 ‘ ONLY A few small seas and rather larger mountain ranges stand in the way of the completion of a Euro-megalopolis which spreads from Glasgow to Milan ’ , according to Terence Bendixson , a transport researcher .
9 If you want to see someone , none of these things stand in the way !
10 On Sept. 7 Zifferero stressed that Iraq 's refusal to give details of its foreign arms suppliers stood in the way of full compliance with Gulf ceasefire resolutions .
11 New ideas and a ‘ revolution of aspiration ’ through higher real wages around the 1850s may have persuaded populations that economic advancement was possible away from subsistence agriculture into manufactures , services , and cash agriculture and that large families stood in the way of it ( Lesthaeghe 1983 ) .
12 Even worse , some think public relations stands in the way of getting at the real facts .
13 Mr Crawford added that poaching and pollution were the two main hurdles standing in the way of the Foyle being the best salmon fishery in Europe .
14 In one case this had happened twice on the same land and was about to happen a third time for bulldozer had arrived to destroy a newly erected building where a woman stood in the way , she was one of the nuns helping in the area ; the defence was successful .
15 It is a marriage of convenience between workers in many fields — archaeologists , geographers , geologists , botanists and zoologists — who do not want the barriers of 19th century subject divisions to stand in the way of understanding the way in which the human environment has evolved , the human role in shaping that environment and the ways in which humans gained a living from it .
16 In this case , only the Secretary of State stands in the way of a move to decentralise control over local spending and to return it to local communities .
17 It also depended on the promotion of the belief that free markets are both economically efficient and socially just — and in crucial respects local government stood in the way of such promotion .
18 In our view it is manifestly not right that councillors should allow their personal opinions on a political or industrial matter to stand in the way of the right of access of the public to all publications which can reasonably be provided .
19 ‘ generally speaking a prosecutor has as much right as a defendant to demand a verdict of a jury on an outstanding indictment , and where either demands a verdict a judge has no jurisdiction to stand in the way of it .
20 However , we remind ourselves of the principles outlined earlier in this judgment and the observation of Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest in Connelly v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1964 ] A.C. 1254 , 1304 , that ‘ generally speaking a prosecutor has as much right as a defendant to demand a verdict of a jury on an outstanding indictment , and where either demands a verdict a judge has no jurisdiction to stand in the way of it . ’
21 How many times did wee Norrie tell us that the only thing standing in the way of recovery was the uncertainty caused by the election when in truth the economy was wrecked after years of mismanagement , the pound weak because our manufacturing base had been destroyed ?
22 Given the composition of Council , it is likely that only the DTI stands in the way of adoption of this proposal : if it is adopted , I hope we will be spared further sanctimonious claims to the high ground by the Institute , and that it concedes it is operating predominantly in the interests of ( some of ) its members .
23 Two main factors stand in the way of adventurous design , MacCormac believes : ‘ In the inner cities , the cost of land has been so high that individual homes have not been economic ; in the country , local planning committees are one of the big barriers .
24 He never let his thrice-weekly treatment stand in the way of his many activities : while on the dialysis machine he would write newspaper and magazine articles , including his weekly column for the Scottish Catholic Observer and for Flourish , the archdiocesan newspaper .
25 The old colonial system stood in the way of any attempt to replace an empire based on bullion imports by a mercantilist empire à la Colbert , reserved for Spanish products and feeding the prosperity of the mother-country ; regimentation had failed when interlopers and smugglers had turned the Castilian monopoly into a fiction , when ‘ Spain kept the cow , the rest of Europe drank the milk ’ .
26 Only a kind of mental laziness stands in the way .
27 Reformers knew that the peasant commune stood in the way of economic diversification in the countryside , but felt that it had to be retained because it served to protect the interests of peasants against those of outsiders .
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