Example sentences of "[noun] would result in the " in BNC.

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1 Many companies hoped that the end to uncertainty would result in the release of orders held back because of the election .
2 The case of the flutes and oboes requires a little more judgement , for , if the chord were high-placed , dovetailing would result in the 1st oboe playing in its thinnest and least effective register , e.g. .
3 miners would result in the rejection of the national strike call .
4 Alternative plans put forward in the Scottish Office consultation document on council reform would result in the region either being retained as a single-tier unit or being divided into two or three councils .
5 Because Xtradrive requires a device driver , which means that it is a system level device , bypassing DOS and the BIOS to go straight to the hard disk would result in the swap file not benefiting from compression .
6 As well as asking why you have been selected as a redundancy candidate and , if appropriate , arguing that a fair procedure would result in the selection of one of your colleagues instead , you may find it fruitful to explore the other ways in which the company can achieve the desired savings without putting your job at risk .
7 The defence department predicted that the domestic changes would result in the loss of 57,000 civilian and 24,000 military jobs over a six-year period .
8 Sealink disagreed with the MMC's findings that reduced choice , higher fares and a poorer quality service would result in the pooled operation before the tunnel 's opening .
9 Yet a year earlier the Court of Appeal decided that a different girl of ten should not be adopted by her foster parents to whom she was attached because of her birth mother 's objections that adoption would result in the loss of contact between brother and sister ( The Times , 19 February 1987 , p. 3 ) .
10 The plaintiffs argued that certain specific projects would result in the loss of wildlife covered by the Act , and that therefore their own interests would be harmed .
11 Failure to carry out the penance would result in the forfeiture of their lands .
12 Logging firm West Frazer Mills , which planned to cut up to 1.5 million cubic metres of timber in the area , said the decision would result in the loss of 80 jobs .
13 Failure to comply with these instructions would result in the immediate death of the victim .
14 Fries argued that the elimination of much premature mortality would result in the creation of ‘ natural death ’ .
15 ( 1 ) ( a ) A licensing board shall refuse an application of the type described in subsection ( 2 ) below if it finds that one or more of the following grounds for refusal , being competent grounds , applies to it ( in ) that the applicant , or the person on whose behalf or for whose benefit the applicant will manage the premises or , in the case of an application to which section 11 of this Act applies , the applicant or the employee or agent named in the application is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence ; ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not suitable or convenient for the sale of alcoholic liquor , having regard to their location , their character and condition , the nature and extent of the proposed use of the premises , and the persons likely to resort to the premises ; ( c ) that the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor is likely to cause undue public nuisance , or a threat to public order and safety ; ( d ) that , having regard to the facilities of the same or similar kind already available in the locality , or to facilities of the same or similar kind , in respect of which the provisional grant of a new licence is in force , which are to be provided in the locality , the grant of an application would result in the Over-provision of such facilities ; and otherwise shall grant the application .
16 Death of amoebae within the lower respiratory tract would result in the release of large numbers of bacteria at a temperature that favours their rapid multiplication .
17 The loss of numerical superiority by protestants would result in the collapse of their statelet .
18 Given that such a coalition would enjoy the support of more than 50% of electors and that the turnover of seats under PR is small ( Professor Finer estimated that a swing of 1% would result in the loss of only six seats ) , it would most likely remain in office for the foreseeable future and hence be in a position to ensure a degree of policy continuity .
19 The STV theorists maintain that their system would result in the election of more members born and bred in their own constituency .
20 United or not , he believed , the recruitment of India to the Commonwealth would result in the ‘ terrific world-wide enhancement of British prestige ’ .
21 The new pilot plant is at the design stage and the success of the plant would result in the conversion of the existing hypelon-manufacturing process .
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