Example sentences of "[noun] which appear [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Taking for example the nuclear power plant control room , the question is whether the desk operators should be expected to cope with all emergencies which appear within the total information presentation or whether , for complex and dangerous situations , a more senior person such as the shift-charge engineer should be called upon to make the decisions .
2 It is necessary to look at the words which appear at the foot of the defined expressions in section 251 .
3 That this was an error was explained to the House by Lord Eversley , who then stated that ‘ the case was provided for by words which appear at the end of the clause ’ .
4 All opportunities which appear on the ABN are screened against Buyers .
5 They must consider all new books as well as the old ones , and must therefore hold back enough funds to cover those books which appear at the end of the financial year .
6 He imagined the personal messages which appear in the back pages ( usually on cheaper paper , and often coloured a dull pale yellow or pink ) of such magazines , and he imagined writing replies to these messages , imagined exactly what he would say , even imagined meeting some of these men .
7 The olive-green blotches which appear on the leaves , often very early in a damp , cool season , turn black and spread to the fruit , causing ugly discolouration and sometimes cracking .
8 It is , of course , not easy to interpret the columns of figures which appear in the school brochure — and headteachers often seem to be adept at presenting their results in positive terms .
9 It explains how to log onto LIFESPAN and how to use the LIFESPAN system of indexes and pages which appear on the screen .
10 I am happy to discount that possibility , together with many other stories which appear in the education press and which are represented as the Government 's view .
11 If fraternity is the foundation stone of the British approach to obscenity , through the courts and the public authorities , then it is relevant to discover the extent to which such a principle plays any part at all in the regulation of obscene matter in the United States , given the fact that the USA produces the vast majority of publications which appear before the courts of America Europe and the free world .
12 What I have tried to show in this section is that before we can fully understand the particular historical genres which appear under the labels of programme categories , and , even more importantly , before we can understand the forms of subjectivity which they imply , we need to place them in their historical and institutional relationship to the theoretical genre of novelistic narrative .
13 We shall consider words , phrases and sentences which appear in the textual record of a discourse to be evidence of an attempt by a producer ( speaker / writer ) to communicate his message to a recipient ( hearer / reader ) .
14 Most of the red-throated divers which appear in the inshore voes at this time will be local breeders , and territories and relationships will be sorted out with much caterwauling and chasing before the successful pair set up home on some peaty pool .
15 Father got a bit worked up about this , but it was above my head until I got down to the specific steps to success which appear in the following chapters , so just remember OIL .
16 These are followed by documents relating to the SI in Britain which include Ralph Rumney 's Psychogeographic Map of Venice ( 1957 ) , and brief statements by Michèle Bernstein which appear in the British press in the 1950s and 1960s .
17 A feature of Levels 1–3 is the use of picture glosses which appear at the foot of the page and give immediate help with the meanings of the words .
18 The Echo 's CD-Rom covers most item which appear in The Northern Echo , national and international articles aswell as a comprehensive coverage of the region .
19 Finally , the user can specify whether he wants All(A) relevant SSRs included in the report , regardless of version number , or only those SSRs which relate to specific modules and version numbers which appear in the package structure ie. Current(C) SSRs .
20 The sisters were also responsible for the bowls of flowers which appear throughout the house .
21 These are SOURCE , PMODEL or FOREIGN modules which appear in the primary directory but which are not contained within any user-package .
22 Further , the user will be able to select the status of SPRs/SSRs that are to appear in the report and will also be able to limit the report to only those modules which appear in the Root Package itself .
23 These are latent growing points which appear on the rootstocks of mature plants , sometimes appearing as young shoots and buds , at other times as rounded nodules .
24 To get the best value on your holiday , take a look at the ‘ Sovereign Value ’ boxes which appear throughout the brochure .
25 The designs or inscriptions which appear on the coins made in archaic and classical Greece , for example , nearly always enable us to attribute them to one or other of the Greek city-states which made them , but none carries a date .
26 These arrangements of Bayezid II's seem to be among the earliest occurrences of , and may well have helped to set the pattern for , a number of joint muderrisliks and muftiliks which appear in the course of the sixteenth century , many of which were at a relatively high level in the hierarchy .
27 This rapid production of InsP 3 is fast enough to account for the odorant-induced generator potentials which appear after a latency of 100–200ms .
28 ( 3 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person under investigation or any other person to produce at such place as may be specified in the notice and either forthwith or at such time as may be so specified any specified documents which appear to the Director to relate to any matter relevant to the investigation or any documents of a specified description which appear to him so to relate ; and — ( a ) if any such documents are produced , the Director may — ( i ) take copies or extracts from them ; ( ii ) require the person producing them to provide an explanation of any of them ; ( b ) if any such documents are not produced , the Director may require the person who was required to produce them to state , to the best of his knowledge and belief , where they are .
29 ‘ The court may grant the application if — ( a ) the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross demand which equals or exceeds the amount of the debt or debts specified in the statutory demand ; or ( b ) the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial ; or … ( d ) the court is satisfied , on other grounds , that the demand ought to be set aside .
30 The court may set aside the demand if the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross claim equalling or exceeding the debt demanded , the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial , the creditor appears to hold some security for the debt of sufficient value , or the court is satisfied on other grounds that the demand ought to be set aside .
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