Example sentences of "[noun] she [verb] herself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the time he had pressed her into a seat she had herself under more control , and was suffering acute embarrassment at her outburst .
2 Did he know exactly the kind of dilemma she found herself in ?
3 Out there in the cold snow Dane Jacobsen had stripped away some of the barriers she protected herself with .
4 An adopted daughter of Washington she sees herself as a bit of a hard North-East woman .
5 With a shriek of delight she threw herself at Maggie , enveloping her in the warmest of embraces .
6 There was a tight , hard knot in her stomach that seemed to preclude eating , but in a gesture of defiance she helped herself to a platter of seafood .
7 From a cupboard , she took a large , brown , straw hat and a dark grey coat ; and after first pinning the hat on to her hair she shrugged herself into the coat .
8 And for eight hours she devoted herself to sufferers and staff — smiling , chatting and listening .
9 At the grand banquet she toasted herself in champagne owing to confusion .
10 At this point she accused herself of exaggeration and made some boring remark about the countryside .
11 In imagination she saw herself as a devotee of Bacchus , in the golden world of the Greeks , as these extracts from her poem ‘ The Lost Bacchante ’ reveal .
12 For two years she applied herself to her studies with an energy no one had suspected she possessed .
13 But there was nothing , and with a quick twist of her body she hoisted herself over the wooden rail to slither down on to the deserted deck .
14 With a yell she thrust herself at their leader .
15 After a while she brought herself under control .
16 After a while she soothed herself with her favourite fantasy ; by a succession of miracles she grew divinely tall , with long , sinewy , racehorse kind of legs and a small straight nose of classic proportions .
17 In the warmth of Penry 's arms she came face to face with the truth , survived it , and after a while she detached herself from the comforting embrace , accepting the box of tissues Penry passed to her before resuming his chair .
18 On one occasion she threw herself against a glass display cabinet at Kensington Palace while on another she slashed at her wrists with a razor blade .
19 As Pro-Vice-Chancellor she sees herself as a facilitator for the Vice-Chancellor , the University 's Chief Executive .
20 Before Isabel had taken another breath she found herself on her back , gazing up at him bemusedly .
21 With this foot and all the solidity and strength of her right leg she levered herself into a standing position .
22 With a great effort she immersed herself in her work and it was n't until Myra put her head round the door that she realised how quickly the time had gone .
23 The injury to her knee she did herself by falling against a tree in the dark . ’
24 Close to dawn she forced herself into bed , but she was still wide-eyed when the maid came in with an early-morning cup of tea .
25 For several blissful seconds she abandoned herself to his kiss , and to all the incredible , startling sensations exploding inside her .
26 She tempered her approach to each medium like a professional : for newspaper journalists she spoke slowly in short , simple generalities ; on television she smiled a lot and complimented her opponents on the intelligence of their remarks ; on radio she allowed herself to be profound , even vulnerable .
27 Without further ado she busied herself in pulling her three-quarter-length beige cotton sock down from beneath her trouser leg , and down below her ankle .
28 Since Ruth was required to be less and less with the children she found herself with too much time on her hands , and since she was unused to idleness she found the vacant hours trying .
29 They were her Aladdin 's caves and , ever since her inheritance , open to her as often as she chose , though for most of the year she contented herself with a reminder of them in the small parcels .
30 The blue eyes seemed to bore into her , penetrating through the defensive layers she surrounded herself with .
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