Example sentences of "[noun] by the soviet [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Carter also suffered a devastating setback when the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union made necessary the withdrawal of SALT II from the Senate , a treaty that had been the centrepiece of his defence policy .
2 Although the conflict was perceived in the West as being an invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union , the prime treaty commitment is in the Agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan on the Principle of Mutual Relations in Particular of Non-Interference and Non-Intervention .
3 They also pointed to what they claimed were morale-boosting concessions by the Soviet leadership to the armed forces , notably the promotion of Defence Minister Dmitry Yazov to the rank of Marshal on April 28 , and the holding of a big military parade in Red Square on May 9 to mark the 45th anniversary of the end of Second World War hostilities in Europe .
4 The accusations related to three main issues : the reclassification by the Soviet army of three motorized divisions as naval coastal units ( excluded from the CFE treaty and not liable to destruction ) ; the discrepancy between NATO and Soviet estimates of the precise number of Soviet tanks and other military hardware subject to inspection and verification under the terms of the treaty ; and the " surreptitious " withdrawal of an estimated 60,000-70,000 items of Soviet military equipment east of the Ural mountains and thus beyond the territorial scope of the treaty [ see p. 37838 ; 37931 ] .
5 Once negotiations began on short-range forces ( after the signature of a CFE treaty ) , NATO would propose , in return for reciprocal action by the Soviet Union , the elimination of all its nuclear artillery shells from Europe .
6 Ratification of the transfer by the Soviet government on May 6 produced agreement on May 8 by almost all of the pits still on strike to a return to work .
7 In my view , it was a monumental error by the Soviet Union to withdraw its diplomatic mission in Tel Aviv following the six-day war in 1967 because , in doing so , it kept itself out of the area as a serious negotiator .
8 It was agreed in principle by the 16 NATO and seven Warsaw Pact countries at a conference in Ottawa , Canada , in February 1990 [ see pp. 37259-60 ] but then stalled because of concerns by the Soviet Union and its disintegration .
9 On the following day the Supreme Council issued appeals to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov asking for " benevolent understanding " and recognition of Lithuania 's independence by the Soviet Union and for those appeals to be regarded as an official proposal to begin negotiations to settle all issues connected with the restoration of that independence .
10 The consolidation of the eternal and unshakeable friendship formed between the Soviet and Korean peoples , thanks to the liberation and assistance by the Soviet Union will further strengthen the international democratic camp and will make a valuable contribution to the struggle against the aggressive imperialists , the instigators of a new war .
11 American troops were deployed more or less according to a plan , Operation 90–1002 , developed in the early-1980s to contain a southward thrust by the Soviet Union .
12 The boat , the Kit , was used for nuclear testing by the Soviet navy until 1961 , when it was sealed and sunk in the lake .
13 Further acts of aggression by the Soviet bloc seemed possible in a number of vulnerable regions such as Germany and Yugoslavia .
14 On arms control issues , an announcement by the Soviet side that it would stop producing rail-mounted strategic nuclear missiles from the beginning of 1991 was the one concrete outcome of the talks .
15 This self-imposed limitation by the Soviet leadership probably reflects its unwillingness to subject a major base in Vietnam to the vicissitudes of Sino-Vietnamese relations ; the lessons derived from Soviet experience in Egypt and Somalia have not been forgotten .
16 *Greenpeace has revealed details of four incidents of dumping of radioactive waste by the Soviet navy in the Sea of Japan between 1985 and 1992 , including the dumping of unprocessed liquid waste from a nuclear power station last year .
17 A conference in Woods Hole , Massachusetts , reacting to reports of large-scale dumping of highly radioactive waste by the Soviet Union over the past 40 years [ see ED70 ] , concluded that " any potential problem would be a local one and would pose no threat on a global scale . "
18 Following an address on July 6 to the Council 's Assembly by the Soviet President , Mikhail Gorbachev , the first by an East European leader ( see pp. 36821-22 ) , the Council and the Soviet Union set up a joint working group to develop contacts and co-operation which met in September and October .
19 A pledge by the Soviet Union was accepted formally on June 14 in Vienna by the 21 other parties to the CFE treaty ( concluded in November 1990 between the NATO and Warsaw Pact countries — see p. 37838 ) .
20 The neutralist and non-aligned states associated military base rights with bloc alignment and alliance structures and they were encouraged in their opposition to these rights by the Soviet Union which since the mid 1950s has consistently denied the existence of Soviet bases on foreign territories .
21 An agreement , in principle , for a joint French-Soviet mission in 1992 was signed on July 3 during a visit to Paris by the Soviet President , Mikhail Gorbachev [ see p. 36821 ] .
22 Jaruzelski took responsibility for the act , but repeated his assertion that martial law had prevented the greater evil of an invasion by the Soviet Union .
23 Iraq might , even at this stage , have stopped the war if it could have brought itself to accept , quickly , the diplomatic initiative advanced this week by the Soviet Union .
24 When Ethiopian Foreign Minister Tesfaye Dinka visited the Soviet Union on March 7 , the Soviet side laid particular emphasis on promoting talks on peace and national reconciliation , while on March 21 the Western press reported comments by the Soviet ambassador in Sudan , that all Soviet military advisers had been withdrawn by late February to Addis Ababa or back to the Soviet Union .
25 Officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) are increasingly concerned over the problem of Eastern Europe 's growing nuclear waste , which until the beginning of this year was taken back for reprocessing under special concessional terms by the Soviet Union .
26 A communiqué signed by the then Soviet Foreign Minister Boris Pankin included a denunciation of the Soviet Army 's invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and a commitment by the Soviet Union to assist the postwar restoration of Afghanistan .
27 Was not that change in turn due to a realisation by the Soviet Government that the Governments of western countries , particularly the British Government , were not going to adopt a policy of one-sided nuclear disarmament , despite the urgings of Opposition Members ?
28 The new streamlined structure , it was argued , would be more adaptable to post-Cold War contingencies than NATO 's current structure which was geared to a massive and sudden attack by the Soviet Union .
29 The regime was given strong backing by the Soviet Union but failed to gain widespread popular support .
30 On June 24 , thousands of Moldavians and Romanians converged at a bridge on the Prut river , on the frontier between Soviet Moldavia and Romania , for a ceremonial linking of hands to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Bessarabia 's seizure by the Soviet Union .
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