Example sentences of "[noun] do not come to " in BNC.

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1 Here D 's revocation did not come to the notice of the offeree , so the offeree 's acceptance of the offer was valid , and D is liable on the contract . ’
2 Dana did n't come to the showroom either ; she had appeared for a fitting and for a rehearsal , as she had promised , neither of which had been an outstanding success .
3 ‘ The car did n't come to the house . ’
4 When aid does not come to the rescue
5 Apart from some early designs for greetings cards , the animal theme in Boyd 's work did n't come to the fore until Macmillan commissioned her to illustrate a book to accompany Spike Milligan 's verse .
6 Apart from some early designs for greetings cards , the animal theme in Boyd 's work did n't come to the fore until Macmillan commissioned her to illustrate a book to accompany Spike Milligan 's verse .
7 And because many illnesses and deaths in developing countries do not come to the attention of doctors , who are anyway ill-informed about the effects of pesticides , real casualty figures must be higher .
8 When Denethor says that stewards do not come to be kings by the lapse of a few centuries in Gondor , but only ‘ in other places of less royalty ’ , the remark is true of Scotland , and of Britain — though not of Anglo-Saxon England , ruled from the legendary past of King Cerdic to 1065 by kings descended in paternal line from one ancestor .
9 If men trained in the learned profession did not , perhaps , scale such heights in the later sixteenth century , at the same time the crossing of career lines did not come to a halt .
10 Well you see erm I mean when , when Gordon and I got married er , my sister 's husband did n't come to the wedding until later on did he Gordon ?
11 Michael Holly did n't come to you , you recruited him .
12 Where a summons or other originating process has been served on a defendant by post or insertion in his letter-box under Ord 7 , 4 10(1) ( b ) or 4(a) or r 13(1) ( b ) or ( 4 ) and after judgment has been given or entered it appears to the court that the process did not come to the knowledge of the defendant in time , the court may of its own motion set aside the judgment and may give any direction or make any such order as the court may think just .
13 John of Anagni threatened to lay an interdict on France if Philip did not come to terms with Henry , but Philip was unmoved and observed that the legate 's money bags were obviously full of English silver .
14 ( 4 ) The limiting words ‘ in his capacity as an officer or servant of the Crown ’ leave the court free to order a witness to give evidence notwithstanding that at the relevant time he was an officer or servant of the Crown , if the matters in respect of which he is to give evidence did not come to his notice in that capacity , for example , the civil servant who , when on holiday or at home , happens to witness a road traffic accident .
15 For the moment , however , we should recognise that the concern to strengthen intra-party democracy through constitutional reforms designed to hold the Parliamentary Labour Party accountable to the rank and file may do little to ensure that any future Labour Government delivers of its manifesto ( and possibly socialist ) promises since these reforms do not come to terms with power , the state , and the market .
16 So they park that up on the pavement outside our wall did n't come to our gate but , and then did n't it obstruct Alan 's because they had it on the pavement , so anybody going down the pavement
17 She wants to be careful if the Japs do n't come to Pearl Harbour again .
18 They have a very lean time of it in winter , and if the spring grass does not come to their succour , they die in large numbers .
19 But if the enquiry does n't come to anything you 've not got a master job file .
20 When one thinks that in France the present generation has seen neither court gowns nor a ceremony of this sort and that , with very few exceptions , the ladies of high society do not come to the Tuileries , one is struck by the fact that everything should pass off so well and without lending itself to too much mockery .
21 When one considers the brilliance of the Court , the remark by Count Hubner that ‘ ladies of high society do not come to the Tuileries ’ perhaps needs some clarification .
22 Well mum 's shopping bill do n't come to .
23 ‘ Movie stars do n't come to New York to say they 're available . ’
24 While Britain got used to Wilson , the Americans did n't come to terms with the post-Kennedy era .
25 Instead , whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant , and whoever wants to be first must be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve , and to give his life as a ransom for many ’ ' ( Matthew 20:25–28 ) .
26 Yet of course many projects do not come to fruition for very many years , and large important projects lead to adverse short-term cash flows .
27 This explains why cases do not come to court when the conditions of my comically weak description of the explicit extension of our legal conventions are met , which is most of the time .
28 The case did not come to trial until 1963 .
29 Mandy did n't come to the meeting , Mrs. Maddison keeping her at home as a punishment for her disobedience in going into the swamp .
30 The proceedings did not come to the defendant 's notice until after she returned from the United States .
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