Example sentences of "[noun] on the far [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In 1958 , 40 million cubic metres of rock fell into Lituya Bay on the coast of Alaska , producing a great surge which destroyed a forest and reached more than 500 m up the mountainside On the far side of the bay .
2 The IAEA , in its offices on the far side of the Danube beyond the Prater 's great Ferris wheel , provides a prototype .
3 I went along to the sleeping car on the far side of the kitchen and opened the door of the abode of Julius Apollo .
4 I could see the holes and the little piles and scatters of droppings , and I could see the gorse bushes on the far slope above the bank which held most of the holes , where the rabbit-runs snaked tiny paths like jagged tunnels through the bushes , but there was no sign of the animals themselves .
5 There was a spell of hot weather ; mosquito larvae hatched in the stagnant pond on the far side of the Britches .
6 There may be no crust on the far side , and even on the near side it may be confined to certain regions , such as beneath the maria , though the majority view is that the Moon does have a global crust .
7 If there is a lunar-wide crust then one explanation of the offset of the centre of mass from the centre of figure is that the crust on the far side is , on average , thicker than on the near side .
8 There were three hangars on the far side , buildings with curved roofs that extended down to the ground , camouflaged against cameras in the sky .
9 As P had previously been cautioned , and also cautioned before interview on the further charge only half an hour before he came to write his statement , it might not have occurred to them that a further caution was necessary .
10 To keep prisoners so near to a frontier on the far side of which they would be free , could seem a casual or risky policy , but it is hard to imagine anyone actually escaping from Le Portalet , whose grated windows you can see from the road , with a nasty drop of a good 100 feet straight on to the rocks beneath them .
11 Cameron slept instantly , and woke and dreamed and woke and dreamed for hours — the river , the cold shock of the water between his legs , the glimmer of light on the far shore , the current filling his mouth , he swam against it , it helped him , he struck out as smoothly as a seal , skimming effortlessly , he could power onwards forever , the water buoying him , his hand stroking it easily backwards without a splash …
12 The river dream came to him again , he was wading deep into the current , its coldness griped him by the crutch , shocking him , he must reach that bluish hovering light on the far bank — trees towering above — a house , a tall bulky building towering above him …
13 Although three-quarters of these youngsters joined work experience schemes on employers ' premises , nevertheless the demands on the further education colleges have increased proportionately .
14 Cicero , whose stamina had been in doubt , could not keep his place and dropped away , but Bachelor 's Button and Pretty Polly — the mare on the stands side , her rival on the far side — were closing rapidly on the leader .
15 When they reached the apartment 's front door they heard the key turn in the lock on the far side .
16 He caught a last glimpse of a grey Mercedes on the far side of the central barrier railings .
17 He looked like a man with nothing more on this mind than reaching the bar on the far side of the room — and yet she could feel a tension in the muscle of his arm , see it in the set of his mouth .
18 The man who rose from behind a large polished desk on the far side of the room , and came forward to shake Robyn 's hand , was smaller and more ordinary-looking than she had expected .
19 Five pied wagtails landed silently on the white-hot sand on the far side of the square .
20 Erm , immediately as we went in it was er a very poorly furnished room erm I 'm going in there 's a window on the far side and there was a small single bed erm which to all intents and purposes appeared un-made at the time and there was a duvet covering it
21 I thought of the horse 's silhouette on the far bank , and the quiet splosh as the eel-fishermen cast off .
22 This leaves just two aircraft out working : the Gazelle Which went out this morning , and a Scout which is out practising abseiling drills on the far side of the airfield .
23 Daak brought the speeder to a halt on the far side of the plateau , in Ace 's path .
24 From the ceiling on the far wall , a shaft of bright , dusty light focused on a rusting office desk .
25 They booked into a guesthouse on the far side of Warminster , and they had time to get into the High Street before the shops closed to buy Erlich a pair of wellington boots , and a rainproof coat that was n't so City , and a hat .
26 Suddenly the eagle opened his wings , fell back in an arc of restricted flight , and dashed his talons on the far side of his cage before plunging back towards Creggan , so powerfully and full of anger that it was as if he had forgotten that there were two walls of bars and iron mesh between them .
27 He was no more than eight or nine , playing in the meadow on the far side of the up line to Darwen .
28 Before Mrs Quigley could start drawing us maps of the terrain on the far side of the Veil , Pike gave an absolutely agonized scream .
29 The Bill places clear duties on the further education funding councils to cater for people with learning difficulties and those councils will be required to allocate resources to discharge those duties .
30 A few lights burn further down the loch to the right , but the mass of mountains on the far side rises dark into the starry sky , grey becoming white at their snow-dusted summits .
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