Example sentences of "[noun] that hang over the " in BNC.

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1 The sense of disappointment that hangs over the rest of his career reflects the loss of nerve that came from finding that , at the moment when his career seemed to be taking off , there were no opportunities to build on what he had achieved .
2 The time difference between London and Mexico City is six hours , and because we had been travelling with the sun , it was still quite high in the sky as we descended into the sepia haze that hung over the whole flat expanse of what had once been a great lake .
3 He sat up , rubbing his eyes and staring out at the mist that hung over the grey stone building .
4 He had pulled her down with him into the whirlpool of love , and now that she was submerged and drowning he had left her , escaping through the cloaking mist that hung over the water .
5 When he had gone , she stood for a long time in front of the looking-glass that hung over the fire , her hands pressed to her cheeks , her face quite alive with excitement .
6 I used to walk between the two parts of the building — that is between my studio/study and the main house — and stare up at the pulley that hangs over the hall , an imitation of the one that hung there in the days when a real miller hoisted his sacks of grain .
7 Emily stood up and stared at her reflection in the ornate mirror that hung over the fireplace .
8 It felt hollow now , lacking a centre , the fixed point had gone , only the outer shell was reflected in the mirror that hung over the sideboard , while the slices of cold meat curled on the plate that Martha had left for him .
9 Ruth grinned at him as he sat down at a cane table , making sure he was under the bright green awning that hung over the balcony and not a sliver of sun was on the bare parts of his body .
10 I had been to see it years before in a taxi from Roscrea , and had been greatly impressed by the poignant air of haunted melancholy that hung over the ruins .
11 The bomb-bursts could be seen through the huge pall of smoke and dust that hung over the city .
12 He had a beer belly that hung over the top of his filthy jeans .
13 ‘ Did you know she 's a Catholic ? ’ he asked me as though it really mattered , and he gestured with his cigarette at a crucifix that hung over the narrow bed , which I knew was there solely for sentimental purposes because it had belonged to Ellen 's dead father , but to McIllvanney it was a challenge .
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