Example sentences of "[noun] he saw [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the woman 's eyes he saw a like recognition and knew his senses did not deceive him .
2 Cutting across country in the morning light he saw the Japanese transports moored peacefully in Dili harbour .
3 One trader happened to have a case of brylcream in stock and over the course of several months he saw the retail price of his 144 jars increase : it doubled , trebled , eventually quintupled .
4 Through the carved window he saw the wet branches of the evergreens , darker on the dark .
5 He sailed for Algiers in March 1943 and during the last days of the Tunisian campaign he saw a mere fortnight 's active service .
6 In his mind 's eye he saw a faceless man marching over the child 's body .
7 As he walked through the centre of the town he saw a large group of navvies sauntering across the wide market square , whistling at the women and calling out to any particularly young or good-looking girls — or those of any age who were careless enough to throw a smile in their direction .
8 There was no sign of them in the next field , but ahead of him at the top of the hill he saw the young dog , looking black against the morning sky .
9 Outside a big store on Regent Street he saw an elderly woman hurriedly changing old clothes in a doorway .
10 But in the room he saw a young man who had once been his friend .
11 Walking into the dining room he saw a huge man about seven or eight feet tall standing behind the desk at the other end of the room .
12 In the far distance he saw the shadowed mouth of a large culvert angling towards them .
13 In his head he saw the hung sheets dotted with coal-smuts torn from their pegs and ripped into bandages as they sailed above the foxgloves .
14 In his drugged dreams he saw the silent faces crying ; he saw the loving mouth distorted with grief ; he knew about the humiliation and the want — all his fault , his fault , his responsibility , his wickedness , his weakness , his sin , his sacrificial past , the victim to what end — who was murdered at that powerful stone circle near Keswick ?
15 Unlike the Platonists he saw no ontological continuity between the soul and God , but a relationship of likeness based on the Biblical account of man 's creation in Genesis ( 1:26 — 7 ) where his peculiar property was to be made in the image of God .
16 A passer-by told officers he saw the 16-year-old bundled into a car as she went to the shops .
17 In his chair he saw the familiar features of the president looking back at him , the face he knew so well from his television set and the newspapers .
18 Among the fragments of blackened paper he saw a used safety match , the unburnt half of the stem clean and white as if it had only recently been struck .
19 Adams stated that whilst he and Moore were at supper he saw an unusual light in the direction of the Body Shop but , instead of going to see what it was and turning on the water from the hydrants to endeavour to arrest the progress of the flames , he caused the alarm bell to be rung and then ran to the gate to admit the Fire Brigade .
20 On one of the islands he saw a shaggy water rat ; he shouted at it and it slid into the water and swam away with only the top of its head showing .
21 As he reached the front door he saw a strange sight .
22 The haze of his first cigarette clouded the room briefly and in the streak of light from the curtains he saw the heaped clothes and the mark on the hotel carpet where he 'd knocked over the glass of water .
23 In his rear view mirror he saw the solid yellow wall blocking the whole road .
24 But on the opposite side of the road he saw a little restaurant .
25 In the churchyard he saw a new headstone , on which was written :
26 D. A. A friend of mine was posted to a beat in Allerton and one summer 's afternoon he saw a young lad — about fifteen years of age — getting into a car .
27 After about five minutes he saw a strange sight of what he took to be three men approaching ; he challenged them in the usual way and shouted , ‘ Halt or I fire . ’
28 Leaving Courrières he saw a small colliery .
29 He was in midstream when the clouds that had covered the moon parted and drifted away , and before him on the distant bank he saw the gracious , massive shapes of Strata Marcella pastured like sheep in their silver meadows .
30 Through the shimmer he saw the huge octopus eyes of the juggernaut grow dimmer .
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